/ / The legacy of Russia: proverbs about heroic power

The legacy of Russia: proverbs about the heroic power

Russian folklore is rich in myths, epics andtales that in difficult historical moments gave strength to the people and gave confidence in victory. The main characters of CNT were bogatyrs, so the proverbs about heroic strength are very common and well-known today.

These are amazing characters that stillcause controversy among historians. Many say that warriors are real characters who lived in a certain era and did great things. The other part of historians do not agree, and believes that the heroes are mythical characters or ancient deities.

proverbs about heroic power

Whatever the case, the proverbs about the heroic strength are still alive today. And it is easy to explain - the people love their heroes, their heroes.

A bit of history

Name the exact time of origin of the proverbs, inwhich key characters were heroes, it is impossible. Since at first they were transmitted orally, older generations passed them on to the younger ones. And, of course, proverbs were decorated with various details every time - everything depended on the narrator’s fantasy. And only in the XIX century they began to write. Below are the most famous of them.

  • As the rich is not immortal, and the hero is not eternal.
  • Bogatyr force in battle will know.
  • Every hero for himself.
  • The bogatyr will die, but he will not take the glory with him - he will remain on earth.
  • The hero by his power is glorious, and not by its origin.

The secret of heroic power

Proverbs about the power of heroic spreadvery fast. And the fault, if I may say so, is the love of the common people for their heroes. To the heroes who did not fear either the enemy or the wild beasts and were always ready to come to the rescue. Therefore, the proverbs about heroic power are still relevant today, since they raise the morale of the people and allow them to find strength and cope with problems and foes.

proverbs about heroic power

Any nation needs defenders who would save them from one or another misfortune. That is why the proverbs about the powerful force are fresh and so common to this day.