/ / I do not want to join the army, what should I do?

I do not want to join the army, what should I do?

"Я не хочу в армию", — мысль, которую осознают many young people. Student life is more interesting and freer. In the future, there are so many perspectives and opportunities, and you will have to wear tough kirzacs and wear a terrible shape. Is it possible to stay in the civilian place for good, what are the options to unscrew from the draft board?

Finding legal ways

"If I don’t want to join the army, thenget out ", - many people think. To do this, we first consider the existing legislation. The first is to get a deferment. You can get it automatically, go to university for higher education.

I do not want to join the army

"If I do not want to go to the army and study too lazy, thenYou can find a job with a deferment ", - and this is also a true idea. The release is received by the fire service officers, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Emergencies Ministry. There is an opportunity to choose an alternative service in civilian life.

The law provides for the possibility of postponingmarital status. “If I don’t want to go to the army, you can take on a dependent child. Then no one from the family will take away the sole breadwinner,” some young people argue. However, the wife may be offered benefits at the time of service.

Who will not take the ranks of the Armed Forces

"If I strongly do not want to go to the army, thenconsider all possibilities, "- decides a potential conscript. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, convicted citizens are not involved in the service, as well as those serving sentences at the moment in places of detention. Also, persons under investigation are not subject. For example, ordinary hooliganism with consequences will delay at the time of the clarification of circumstances. However, this method can ruin the rest of your life.

I do not want to go to the army

However, often even the police try to sendrecruit in the military enlistment office, trying to find an opportunity to cover the case. Of course, if the crime is not classified as serious. It is better to look for more painless ways to delay for a normal future life.


"If I don’t want to join the army, what should I do?"- Yesterday’s schoolboy wonders. Doctors know the answer. The most common reason for getting an exemption from service is poor health. Ordinary flatfoot is powerful evidence of a guy’s inability to perform lengthy physical exercises.

I do not want to go to the army

If the son does not want to join the army, it is recommended to goexamination in the clinic to find possible health abnormalities. Currently, more than 50% of adolescents already have chronic diseases. Unfortunately, this is the statistics of the Ministry of Health of Russia. This is a good way to save yourself from wearing green.

However, it should be remembered that a military IDIllness will put an end to future work in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Emergencies Ministry and others, where excellent health and medical examinations are required. In pursuit of getting help for liberation from the army, you can put an end to your future career. Diseases are even among people who wish to consider themselves completely healthy.

It is advisable to find for this specialist, it is engaged in the search for suitable diseases. An ordinary doctor can make a diagnosis that is disadvantageous in terms of exemption from military service.


If the guy does not want to join the army, he canview the points of law giving a delay. For health reasons, they can postpone the call for one year by the decision of the Commission on limited suitability. Lucky those who were recognized generally unable to serve.

son does not want to join the army

There is a list of diseases that determinescategory of recruits receiving deferments. However, the draft board in the military registration and enlistment office should establish suitability or inoperability. This period is set to one year.

To get this deferment, it is requiredmandatory presence of a draftee in the room when the results of the commission are announced. The established shelf life is brought to the notice. Without it, a delay cannot be assigned.

Complex cases

If the commission doubts the category of fitness,then by agreement, the conscript can be sent to local medical facilities for treatment. At the end of the appointed time, the draftee again appears before the commission for re-examination. And this time the same verdict is possible, which can be repeated several times.

There are positive moments in this.If the commission made a decision without the presence of a recruit, then it can be challenged in court and get a deferment. The military registration and enlistment office always has legal deviations in the process of issuing a verdict. Therefore, most cases are winning.

the guy does not want to join the army

Russian legislation allows not to beto appeal after receiving a summons for a lawful case - the proceedings in court. If you repeat the same process periodically in spring and autumn, then you can remain civilian for an arbitrarily long time. And consideration of the case in court is a very long process and takes almost the entire season.

Family care

Know the law is recommended and those whoI did not ask question of evading conscription. For example, the guys who have one of the parents received a fatal injury in the service may not go to the draft board. Such persons are completely exempted from the call.

Delay is required to receive up to 27-year-oldage, then no one will be able to call the guy. A good reason is the presence of 2 children, or when the spouse is in an interesting position, supported by a medical certificate. If the guy is the breadwinner of elderly parents, relatives or other persons officially registered - do not call.
The education of children with disabilities is also a weighty reason for obtaining a delay.

Learning has always been the best and most beneficial.way to delay the call for many years. After graduation, young people could get a job with armor and not join the army at all. If they managed to get a degree, then they had to forget about the military registration and enlistment office.

In the period of study it was also possible to takeacademic leave for a year due to illness. That also served as a way to still avoid the army. Service in religious institutions exempts from conscription, but it will be difficult for young people to confirm their status if they don’t complete any seminary.

If it is impossible to come up with a faithful and legal way to delay it on your own, then it is better to turn to professionals. Now, there are a lot of experienced lawyers with successful completion of cases in any city.