Write an essay "To Whom I Want to Look Like"often asked in school for children of different ages. Such work will help the boys and girls to open up in detail about the most important qualities of loved ones.
Layout of the composition
Mums and dads should tell their beloved children howthe best way to write an essay "Who do I want to be like?" This will help the son or daughter to put their thoughts in the right order, to reveal their inner world. The order of writing can be as follows:
- The introductory part of the composition. Here it is briefly necessary to tell about whom you want to become like in adult life.
- In the main part of the essay you need to tell in detail, by virtue of what qualities the child seeks to become similar to this person. In what you want to take from him an example.
- In conclusion, we need to summarize briefly.
This version of writing will help the child in the correct sequence to reveal their thoughts.

The composition "Who do I want to be like" for boys
As a rule, sons want to become like their fathers. The composition "On whom I want to be like" for boys can write the following.
My dad is a real man. I want to become the same as he is when grown up.
The father always behaves with restraint, he is lightning fastsolves any problems, no matter how complex they are. With her father, Mom feels secure and confident in the future. My father always tries to give us all the best, sometimes denying himself. He is brave and strong, always give good advice.
My dad is the best, so I will do everything I can to grow the same worthy person.
Such an essay may well take place. The teacher will reward the child with high marks, and the pope will become even more attentive after reading his son's thoughts.

"I want to be like my mother" - an essay for girls
Of course, every girl wants to be the same as mom. It is no wonder, in fact in her image the ideal of the woman is concluded. For example, you can take the following work "Who I want to be like."
My mother is a real beauty, I did not see women better and smarter than she. When I grow up, I really want to be like her.
Mom in many ways is for me an example.She always wisely educates us and behaves with restraint even in difficult situations. Mom always dresses stylishly and makes a charming make-up that emphasizes her beauty. And my mother does not know how to be angry, even when she gets tired after work, I always see a smile on her face. Therefore, I think that it should be like Mom, it deserves it.
If I will be like my mother, I will definitely become the happiest and most cheerful person.
Such an essay is written from the heart. It is exactly the manifestation of talents that teachers expect from students. For a composition written with his own hands, the child will be highly appreciated.