"I want a child, but it does not work out", - today it isone of the most common problems in Russia. Why can a couple who are completely healthy from a medical point of view can not conceive a child? Because in this seemingly trifling matter, there are "pitfalls"! Now I will tell you about some nuances that, perhaps, do not give you a way on the way to the long-awaited miracle, and I'll give a few simple tips and recommendations.

I want a child, but I can not! Tip # 1
Have sex more often!
Many couples are just sure that having sexIt is necessary only in days of supposed female ovulation. They seriously think that abstaining from sexual intercourse for ... a whole month is the key to successful conception! How do they explain this? Very simple! Allegedly, during this time, sperm are stored and accumulated for a "control shot". Friends, this is a huge misconception! Perhaps, that's why you do not get fertilization and conception. Of course, from the monthly abstinence of sperm will be much more, but it will be lethargic and "toxic" ... The spermatozoa in it will be inactive, they simply will not be able to fertilize the female egg! For conception to pass with the greatest probability, fresh and active sperm are needed. Therefore, do not wait for special days, but confidently tell your partner: "I really want a child!". And pounce on him in the literal sense of the word! Well, if the guy (man) before the conception several times throughout the day masturbating. In this case, the spermatozoa will be "on the platoon"!
I want a child, but I can not! Tip # 2
Throw out the grease!
Unfortunately, such a thing, sometimes needed in sex, as an artificial lubricant, significantly reduces the chances of pregnancy.

I want a child, but I can not! Tip # 3
There is no place for medicines!
In principle, this simple truth should be knownevery woman and every man who plans children. In this period, you need, whenever possible, to give up all the medicines that you take. If health does not allow it, then refuse at least a larger part of them!
Stress and Pregnancy
When I was planning a pregnancy, then my friendsrepeatedly said: "Relax, and you will succeed!". Probably, and you, dear ladies, many times heard such oral motivators. Support for dear people is certainly an important psychological moment, but not in this case! From this many, on the contrary, are even more tense! After all, a woman experiencing problems with conception is in constant tension. I say this to the fact that stress is a fairly frequent and serious obstacle to the long-awaited happiness ... The advice is: do not listen to anyone! Pray to the Almighty and mentally make a wish: "I want a child (a girl or a boy)." After that, "armed" with the support of the Lord himself, take decisive action: have sex all day and night, do not take any stuff like drugs and other drugs, give up alcohol, artificial lubricants and so on.