/ / How to be kinder? We all need love

How to be kinder? We all need love

The song "Be kinder" is becoming more popular.Is the idea of ​​becoming better for the better becoming more popular? Yes, people want to become better, but, alas, many are not looking for kindness. Maybe the whole thing in a vague understanding of the word "kindness"? Why be kinder became not prestigious?

On the meaning of the suffix

People confuse two concepts: kind and kind.We will talk about the first a bit later, and now about the second. A derogatory suffix indicates that kindness is not real. Naughty, too, there are several types. Firstly, weak, spineless people who simply cannot refuse or punish (you have seen such school teachers). Secondly, they are lazy people who cannot reprimand a subordinate, because they do not care, it is easier for them to smile and not to bother their heads. Thirdly, these are hypocritical, sinister, who pretend to be good for the sake of profit. The last category is the most unpleasant and dangerous.

Kindness strong

be kinder

To be kinder does not mean to be weaker.Only a strong person can afford sympathy, warmth and tenderness. Namely, these manifestations make a person good. And when it comes to a strong man, you understand that his kindness is not from greed and not from spinelessness. To be kinder is to be ready to give without waiting for reciprocity. Truly good people are respected and loved. Remember the image of Melanie from Gone With the Wind. An unshakably strong personality stood behind a dull appearance and affection, which was especially noticeable when it came to moral values.

Start with yourself

be kind and strong

The Bible demands to love others as we love ourselves.Start by loving yourself. This does not mean that you can “turn off” self-control and lower the bar for self-requirements. This means that you must separate the emotional and intellectual “I.” Many people say that they want to be “kicked” before the result. In fact, they just want feedback. Many people agree to an unkind attitude towards themselves only because it is difficult to receive any other attention. A bad attitude causes injury to the thick-skinned. Imagine that you have a best friend who makes mistakes. So, this best friend - you yourself. Regardless of circumstances and mistakes, you need warm emotional attitudes and support. It is difficult to be kind to yourself, but it is from this that the path to kindness must begin.

If faith does not scare

kind people among believers

You may need the support of peoplewho also want to be kind. In this situation, contact the faithful of the denomination to which you belong. In any traditional religion, mercy and kindness in price, find sincerely believing people among your acquaintances - and learn. Usually, a believer's kindness results from an attentiveness to oneself and an understanding of what is happening in the soul. It is worth learning, perhaps, to read the fundamental creations of the Holy Fathers, for example, “Philokalia” or “The Ladder”.

Even if you do not feel naturaltalent for kindness, to be kinder can be learned. Just try to look for the good in yourself and in people - and rejoice in it. What begins in our mind necessarily continues in reality. And this is not a “secret”, but the truth referred to in the Bible. Good people really live happier.