/ / People run away in horror, or How to become kinder, if you are Scorpio?

People run away in horror, or How to become kinder, if you are Scorpio?

In due time each representative of this signThe zodiac reflects on the question: "How to become kinder?" If you are a Scorpio, you will have to work hard. The struggle will go with nature's inherent traits of character. And win this war will not be easy!

how to become kinder if you are a scorpion

Why you need to think about how to become kinder

Scorpio by nature is not angry.Just his mind is cold, the look is penetrating, there is no mystery for him. A person born under this sign of the zodiac is confident in himself, knows what he wants and always achieves this. Now imagine, how does an outside observer react to such positioning? It is quite natural that such a position seems to him too insolent, and at times cruel. One of the most unpleasant features of Scorpio for others is his directness. It's good when you tell the enemy what it is. And if a woman is told that the new dress is in perfect harmony with the green color of her face? Who will tolerate? So it turns out that you need from time to time to think about how to become kinder. If you are a Scorpio, then you can get into a situation where the only person who can make you happy with fear and tears escape from you! You do not need this?

Is there a kind Scorpio?

How to become a kinder scorpion
Softness and desire to help is not alien to thisrepresentative of the Zodiac. Just to understand the true motives of his few people can. So they began to deal with the question of how to become kinder. If you are a Scorpio, and do not want to lose friends, then try to act so that they understand you. This, perhaps, is the most important thing. Scorpio's world, cozy and so logical for himself, is closed and strange to others. But everything is simple: let your feelings and ideas of friends come to your senses, and they will understand how you are kind to them! Any Scorpio is internally sure that he is fair and kind, his actions are aimed at the benefit of his beloved people. It's only to make sure that they believe in it, too, that he usually forgets. Naturally, the moment is thin! Why explain, if dear people already receive all the benefits? And, it turns out, very much even necessary. To a man, strangely enough, the warmth of the soul is closer than the material evidence of affection and friendship. And if you consider that the strangeness of behavior in Scorpio is combined with touchiness and directness, then why be surprised that they are given a lot of advice, how to become kinder!

If you are a Scorpio - a self-analysis

People tend to perceive others with their ownthe bell tower. Often the Scorpions forget that those around them are deprived of their strength and confidence. And to communicate with a mighty man on an equal level is not possible to all! So it turns out that Scorpio repels friends precisely because it is the most attractive! With his courage and

kind scorpion
directness.The council is this: analyze your actions and thoughts. Your strength is not only an advantage, but also a responsibility. Try to learn one rule: the strong must patronize the weak. If it becomes the basis of your behavior, then others will perceive you much easier. They will be more comfortable. So the question of kindness will be resolved! In the end, Scorpio stores his poison only for enemies, otherwise he does not want evil! It means that any representative of this sign is kind enough from nature, just does not know how to demonstrate it. A little self-control - and the desired effect will be achieved!