/ / Love at first sight. Myth or reality?

Love at first sight. Myth or reality?

Does it exist love at first sight?There is hardly a person who did not ask this question. And everyone will certainly find several examples confirming both one and the other point of view. The fact that a person can literally like it in a split second does not require proof. Each of us faced a similar situation. However, each had its end to a similar story. That is why people's opinions about love at first sight are so strikingly different.

But if at least one person experienced it,does it exist? Let's not rush to conclusions. The fact is that people easily confuse love and love. Love is a temporary attraction to a person. And love is something more, a kind of union of two hearts that requires a test of time.

Если вы испытали к человеку чувства, похожие на love at first sight, how can you be 100% sure that this is love, not love? In fact, no way. You just have to trust the fate and hope that the relationship with this person will be long and happy.

By the way, it is faith in fate that explains beliefs.many people that love at first sight does exist. According to the theory of kindred souls, from which it simply blows romanticism, each of us has the other half in this vast world, one and only, and we must find it, otherwise there will never be happiness in our personal life. If it really is, and it is impossible to prove or disprove this theory, then it is quite logical that when we meet such a person, then we intuitively feel that this is the same person with whom we are destined to live the rest of our lives.

But since this feeling is rare andoccurs only once in a lifetime, and people necessarily want to experience it, then very often an ordinary strong attraction is taken for love at first sight. In order not to let yourself be deceived by your hormones, it is enough to learn to distinguish love from love.

Love gives a feeling of lightness, happiness and beauty.being while being in love acts as a powerful dependency, chaining us to the object of adoration and making us nervous, wound up and unhappy. In addition, love has a tendency to pass quickly enough when the person with whom we fell in love disappears from our life. Love will never pass.

Of course, love is much more common.That is why many people are scalded on false love at first sight and lose faith in it. But true love must come to everyone sooner or later. And no matter what form it will overtake us. Perhaps you will go to this for several years, this love will not be worse than those who fell in love in the very first moment.

And if you still doubt that love exists, remember the call of first love, it is impossible to confuse with anything.At that time, no one thought about money, social status and other nonsense. First love is a magical feeling that should open the doors to us in the magical world of human relationships. Unfortunately, society now interprets these feelings in a different way and fosters a materialistic attitude towards love. Having been burned several times, a person begins to believe that there really is no love, and mercenary interests rule everyone.

If you are possessed by such thoughts, perhaps a meeting with first love will help you. No, it is unlikely to be your “person for life”, just this meeting will return you faith in miracles and help you in a new way, or rather in an old way, to look at the beauty of human relationships.

Do not lose this faith, and you still have toyou can enjoy the love at first sight that can turn your whole life around. And even if it ends badly, do not worry, you will at least have something to remember, and your true love will definitely come.