/ Is there any virtual love?

Is there any virtual love?

Progress does not stand still, and now there are feelings toomoved from reality to virtual space. Instead of going to parks, cafes, sports grounds or libraries, young people sit at the computer for hours, chatting, ICQ, forums and social networks. Not surprisingly, and dating also went to the Internet, and with them - and love.

Virtual love is already an established concept.Everyone is clear - this is love, built on the Internet, a love that began when people saw each other only in the photo. However, let's nevertheless specify: there is no virtual love, there is virtual communication. And love is always real feelings. She brings joy or pain, makes me smile or nervous. At the same time, psychologists admit that virtual love is a dependence on a person with whom you communicate through the Internet. In real life, you can never meet, however, those emotions that cause communication with him, are quite real.

The lack of virtual love is that it is raregoes into reality. The fact is that communicating with a person only by correspondence, we create an image that we like ourselves. And the person behind the monitor is also not real. It is not necessary that he is lying to you, he just wants to like you, and plays a role, attributing to himself those features that he does not really have. On the Internet, we can invent for ourselves any fairy tale, any image - for ourselves, and for the person with whom we correspond.

Who is at risk of experiencing virtual love?

Let's define at once:virtual dating and virtual love - this is not the same thing. Every year in our country, the number of people who are getting acquainted on the Internet - in social networks, forums, even on specially created dating sites - is growing. In the US, such acquaintances have long become the norm and, despite numerous negative reviews, give their positive results. Such contacts have indubitable pluses. They are convenient for people who for some reason rarely visit public places and do not have the opportunity to find a couple in a close environment. For those who came to live in a new place, for those who feel uncomfortable when meeting in real life. Most of them just pick themselves an object that is objectively suitable for some criteria pair. There are people who experience complexes in reality because of some of their qualities. For example, with a very smart and interesting girl, no one wants to get acquainted because of her unsightly appearance, without even trying to appreciate her inner world. Or, on the contrary, in a very beautiful girl attracts only appearance and no guy notices her mind and talents. Men often have problems with money. And, as the statistics show, rather with their excess than a disadvantage. On the Internet, those who have already faced the self-interest of female representatives go to the Internet and decided that he needs someone who will appreciate him as a person, not a bag of money.

And only a small percentage of these people are capable ofexperience virtual love. These are the people for whom virtual life is capable of replacing the real. They have no incentive in real life, and they are very often alone. The lack of communication leads them to the Internet, where communication is abundant. And if the lack of communication is also accompanied by insecurity in themselves and complexes (and so often happens), then virtual love becomes for them the only possible. And indeed, when communicating on the Internet, you do not need to think about how you can prove your love and how best to confess your love - just write about it, give a virtual flower or heart.

Virtual love is dangerous because it causesaddiction. There is nothing easier than, after playing enough, to delete your page from a dating site or from a social network, and a person who has been attached to you, suddenly will be left alone and with a broken heart, without any chance to just talk with the subject of his love. But such "just playing" in the network is also a lot.

There is another problem.Even if the feelings are mutual, the transition to reality for such people is difficult. And this is not surprising, because both have to part with their illusions. And so many of them never meet, preferring to keep their dreams ...