/ / Valeria Kudryavtseva: biography, career, personal life

Valeria Kudryavtseva: biography, career, personal life

Valery Kudryavtseva is the most talked aboutleading modern television. Someone admires it and considers it an angel, for someone it seems to be a real devil, and someone simply watches with interest on TV screens. She shakes her beauty and openness, her life is a real treasure for the seekers of examples to follow.

Forward for a dream

Valeria was born in an ordinary family of scientificworkers, it happened on May 19, 1971. The girl appeared in the almost unknown city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of a career star, however, like most Soviet girls.

valeria kudryavtsva

After the termination of the ninth grade the girl all the sametook the first step toward the realization of her childhood dream and entered the faculty of theater directing in the school of her city. Lera studied perfectly, so after graduation she went to Moscow and entered GITIS.

During her studies, Lera really falls in love withdrummer of the famous group "Tender May". At 18, Valeria Kudryavtseva marries, and after a while her son appears in the light - Jean. Unfortunately, the marriage of the girl did not work out, and two years after the birth of the first child the couple broke up.

The beginning of the way

Thanks to her spectacular appearance, the girlattracted the attention of the famous actor Igor Vernik. It was he who pioneered the boundless talent of Kudryavtseva and the man who brought Lerou to television. She successfully passed the casting on the TV program "Party Zone" and was accepted for the role of presenter.

valeria kudryavtsva photo

Valeria becomes really famous, andpopular TV channels just shower the girl with job offers. It increasingly appears on the channels - TV-6, Muz-TV, TNT. She is invited to lead the contests - "New Wave" and "Song of the Year." Valeria Kudryavtseva received the most real lucky star. They started talking about her, writing newspapers and magazines. She became a truly popular television presenter and guest guest at the most elite parties of the stars. Valeria Kudryavtseva, photo of which could already be easily observed in newspapers and magazines, becomes a real rising star of television.

Career Advancements

In addition to the main work, Lera gladly accepts offers to be shown on such shows as "You and I", "Dancing with the Stars".

When Lera Kudryavtseva tired of acting as a TV presenter, she tries in acting and successfully gets the desired roles in TV shows and movies.

kudryavtsev valeria growth

Her dream of a celebrity career as if by magicwas realized, and she did not miss the opportunity to appear on television again. She did everything to become an unforgettable persona of modern television.

The most desirable woman in Russia

Kudryavtseva Valeria, whose growth is far frommodel (167 cm), becomes a true model of such well-known men's magazines, like Maxim and Playboy. In the photos, the girl literally falls in love with a good half of the male population. Valeria demonstrates to the whole country her amazing forms, and becomes one of the most desirable women of Russia.

The star does not complex, exposing its body,despite her age, she impresses her fans with harmony and sexuality. Valeria Kudryavtseva, whose weight is only 54 kilograms, is very sensitive to her body and figure. She gladly bared for male publications and takes part in frank photo shoots until now.

Personal life of a star

The first marriage of the girl was unsuccessful, but presentedLeray beautiful son. Despite the fact that Igor Wernik helped Leray in moving up the career ladder, their romance did not last long and ended because of the young man's loving nature.

The second marriage of the TV presenter was not without a scandal, her husband was accused of fraud, and a few years later Lera divorced.

In 2008, real feelings for Lera come tofamous singer Sergei Lazarev. This violent romance became the most discussed in the world of stars. Someone thought that such a strong love was to end with a wedding, someone assumed that it was done to attract public attention, but one way or another, the couple broke up.

In 2013, Valeriya got married for the third time, hockey player Igor Makarov was elected the famous TV presenter.

valeria kudryavtsva weight

A spouse is 16 years younger than Kudryavtseva, but this is in no waydoes not affect their love. The host admits that it even helps to develop relationships. The TV host does not cease to please her numerous fans with her photos together with her husband. She is ready to exchange the capital and her secular life for a cozy family hearth. The couple dreams of a child, and the fans of the telly are credited with her pregnancy, but the girl herself is not in a hurry to comment on rumors circulating on the Web. In the meantime, the passions around her person do not stop, Lera calmly rests with her husband at different resorts and enjoys the life she dreamed about since her childhood.