/ / Valeria Fedorovich: biography, filmography

Valeriya Fedorovich: biography, filmography

One of the heroines of the popular Russian TV series"Kitchen" was played by Valery Fedorovich. The biography of the effective blonde would hardly interest the representatives of the press if she did not play the role of Katya Semenova, the daughter of an eccentric and much-drinking specialist in cooking high French cuisine. What other roles did Valery Fyodorovich play in the movie?

Valery Fyodorovich Biography


The future actress was born in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in 1992. Valeria's parents have nothing to do with theatrical art. Father is a soldier. Mother is an engineer.

Valeria Fedorovich, biography, private lifewhich is now often covered in the press, lives in Moscow from the age of eight. Thanks to her father's profession, she was in the capital at a very tender age. So it was not necessary to leave her father's house and go to conquer the capital.

The future actress in the school years was engaged indances, and vocals. The dream of becoming an actress visited her pretty early. And despite the innate modesty and isolation - the features of nature, not inherent, in contrast to Fedorovich, her heroine in the movie "Kitchen" - Lera after leaving school filed a paper at the school. Shchepkina. Examinations Fedorovich withstood and became a student of one of the most prestigious theatrical high schools in Russia.

Carier start

In the student staging of "Zoykina apartment" onefrom the main roles played Valeria Fedorovich. Her biography would have developed quite differently, if one of the rehearsals did not come to the assistant producer of the TV series "Kitchen". The student of the theatrical school, in the opinion of the casting director, was ideally suited for the role of the eldest daughter of the errant chef.

Proposal to star in the most popular seriesthe beginning actress accepted without much enthusiasm. After all, the students of "Shchepki" usually dream of real, theatrical work. But the study was coming to an end. The leaders of the capital's theaters were not in a hurry to offer cooperation to the graduate of the school. That's why she accepted the offer to appear in the TV series Valeria Fedorovich. The photo, the biography of the heroine, which she played, is presented below.

Famous role

Katya Semenova, who played Fedorovich,appears in season three. The heroine of this article performed the role of Viktor Barinov's daughter from his first marriage. Katya spent several years in France, studying the skill of preparing dishes of molecular cuisine. Then she returned to Moscow, and despite her father's dissatisfaction, I got a job in Dmitry Nagieva's restaurant.

Katya Semenova - a tough girl, strong-willed. According to the words of the actress, she herself has little in common with her famous heroine. Valeria is a soft and rather indecisive person.

valeria fyodorovich biography, private life

Other roles

Actress Valeria Fedorovich, whose biography and creative path were predetermined by participation in the famous series, began to receive thanks to the project "Kitchen" a lot of proposals from the directors.

In the filmography of the actress there are roles in the following films:

  • "Violetta from Atamanovka";
  • "Survive after";
  • "The Case at the Pass of Dyatlov";
  • "Everything will return";
  • "Farewell, my beloved!";
  • "At a distant outpost";
  • "Eternal Holiday".

"Survive after" - a film by Fyodor Bondarchuk. The television series is about the fate of the inhabitants of a huge city, infected with a deadly virus.

В 2016 году состоялись съемки фильма «Вечный vacation ", for which Fedorovich changed the image. The actress this time played the role of the daughter of a millionaire, Katya - an eccentric and capricious person. Valeria's partner in this work is Konstantin Kryuchkov. The heroine Fyodorovich did not experience any financial difficulties or mental anguish. She does not want to know about how ordinary people live. Once Katia organizes the celebration of her birthday.

The venue of the event is the yacht.However, in the midst of the celebration, an emergency occurs due to the fault of the birthday girl. A millionaire father punishes her negligent daughter by sending her on a trip, during which significant changes are taking place in her soul.

actress valeria fyodorovich biography

В картине «Виолетта из Атамановки» Валерия Fedorovich, whose biography is presented to this article, was played back in 2013. Its role is secondary. On the set, partners such as Andrey Kuzichev, Evgenia Dmitrieva became partners with Fedorovich.

Valeriya Fedorovich photo biography

Personal life

Valeria Fedorovich, biography, private lifewhich is closely associated with the cinema and theater, not so long ago changed the marital status. In 2013, the actress married her colleague. Chosen by Valeria - theater actor Maxim Onishchenko. However, due to the harsh regime of filming the series, the honeymoon lasted not so long as the young artists would like - only six weeks.