In this article, let's talk about the famous actress, who accepted American citizenship - Kane Candice. We will discuss her biography, career and personal life.

Kane Candice (birth name Brendan McDaniel)was born simultaneously with her twin brother in Maui, Hawaii, August 29, 1971. The parents of the future actress worked as teachers in the Waldorf school, the whole family lived on the campus.
As a boy, McDaniel attended the Baldwin High School, and then went to Los Angeles, where he studied dance.
Sex change and career
After receiving his education, McDaniel left forNew York and got a job as a choreographer, when performing, the guy used a female image. Next, taking the alias "Candice Kane", Brendan will start performing in gay bars, after which he will be invited to play several roles: in the comedy "Wong Fu, with gratitude for everything!" Julie Newmar, in the comedy drama "Stonewolf" and documentary the movie "Wigstock: History."
Having been on the screen, Brandon decides to undergo an operation to change the sex, in 1996 he realizes his plans and finally becomes Candace Kane.
In 1997, being already a woman, the actressis shot in a video for the song "A Little Bit of Love". Four years later, Candice will appear in the movie "Queen of the Crowd", and after the film came out on the screen, the girl will win the contest "Miss Continental."
Candice Kane, movies with which they have just begunappear on the screen, is at the height of popularity, but after a period of five years the girl disappeared from sight. In 2008, the show will feature the drama "Dirty wet money," in which Candice played transsexual Carmelita Rainer, which resulted in the return of transsexual roles in American cinema.

In 2014, the actress will join the list of her roles,having played in the movie "Crazy Bitch". All filmography Kane includes only seven films, but, thanks to her non-standard approach and professional qualities, the actress gained considerable popularity.
Personal life
Once Candace Kane said:"I do not want to be the head of the transgender community, I just want to see a living and happy person in me," and then added that she considers the community to be the last big minority. "The girl fully supports the American non-governmental organization LGBT.
In 2009, Kane married a DJ, whose name was Marco, but a year later the couple divorced.
To date, the actress turned 45, her acting career continues. It's hard to say what awaits a woman in the future, but we wish her the best.