/ / Kudryavtseva Tatyana - keeper of Russian traditions

Tatyana Kudryavtseva is the keeper of Russian traditions

Кудрявцева Татьяна уже два десятилетия занимается decorative decoration of household items in the technique of One Stroke, featuring a special two-tone brush. To create a drawing, use a flat brush, which is simultaneously applied two colors. With its continuous movement along the canvas, a unique volumetric pattern is formed.

The origins of the craft

The emergence of two-color smear techniquedates from the second half of the 18th century, when a fashion for lacquerware came from China to Russia. At that time in Nizhny Tagil, metallurgical industry actively developed, which helped to concentrate a lot of folk craftsmen in the city. Among them there were those who painted various household items. The impetus for the development of the fishing industry is considered to be the creation of the school of flywriting by the well-known industrialist Nikita Demidov. The highlight of the Tagil mural was considered to be three flowers, located in the very center of the composition, which were called rosanne.

Followers of folk crafts

Вторую жизнь подзабытая исконно русская техника two-tone smear found, oddly enough, thanks to the American artist Donna Dewberry. It was she who, together with Plaid, organized a project that allowed this craft to become world famous, which ensured its further mass distribution. Among the brightest Russian followers of decorative painting to date is Tatiana Kudryavtseva. Over the years of many years of creative research, she developed her own drawing style, which is successfully sold at world exhibitions under the Tagil Painting brand.

Tatyana Kudryavtseva

Decorative painting in modern interpretation

One Stroke technique is widely used,but if before it was decorated mainly with dishes and various products made of wood, now it also makes modern gadgets, interior items, jewelry and leather products unique. There is one more distinctive feature of the execution of decorative painting in our millennium - the use of acrylic, since in the XVIII century the patterns were painted only with oil paints. New materials, of course, expand the possibilities of craft, allowing to apply the pattern wherever the artist wishes. Tatiana Kudryavtseva with her numerous works on decorating glass, canvases, interiors only confirms that the unique folk craft today has no borders.

Artist Tatyana Kudryavtseva

Becoming an Artist

Embodying the dream of childhood, Tatyana Kudryavtsevagraduation from the school receives a professional education in the specialty "arts and crafts and handicrafts." Subsequently, she takes a job at the enterprise, where trays are painted. However, streaming drawing on a strictly defined template does not satisfy the master's need for self-realization. Soon Tatyana Kudryavtseva finds herself in teaching Russian painting to pupils of the art lyceum. For more than ten years she has been working in this field, developing imagination and honing her skills.

Tatyana Kudryavtseva master class

Exit to new horizons

Развитие рыночной экономики вносит свои adjustments in the future fate of a talented artist. Having exhausted the possibilities of native Volgodonsk, Tatyana and her husband moved to Moscow, where they jointly organize courses on teaching the technique of a two-tone smear. The master more often participates in exhibitions of applied art both Russian and international. Gradually, her work begins to print in specialized publications, based on the drawings produced Italian decoupage cards, and the artist's web pages are full of admiring reviews.

It's good that the resources of Russian painters, such as Tatyana Kudryavtseva, are inexhaustible, whose master class is very popular these days.