/ / What is moral and how is it formed?

What is morality and how is it formed?

What is needed for the survival of any society?Among other components - the rules that help to survive. Historical experience determines what increases the viability of society, and what, conversely, reduces it. Observing and drawing conclusions, people determine the right and wrong behavior, agree on ways of communication and behavior. So morality appears.

A more accurate answer to the question "what is morality"can be found in dictionaries that define it as a set of unwritten rules and traditions, establishing a set of norms of behavior, forming the concept of good and evil, good and bad.

What is morality

There are actions that often have to be prohibited: murder, theft, insult, etc. Frequently repeated bans gradually develop into a law.

Synonym for the word "morality" can be considered the word "morality". These are really close concepts, but the first is often used in relation to society, and the second - directly to the individual.

Moral - plastic concept, it has its own eachsociety, it can change over time. Every nation builds its principles of behavior, based on a specific, real experience. Therefore, answering the question of what is moral, representatives of different cultures can give different interpretations.

Morals are inextricably linked with ethics.Ethics is a systematic complex of behavior based on the concepts of moral and immoral. Ethics and morality are the two whales on which the moral society rests. Naturally, ethics also depends on the characteristics of the society in which it was formed. For example, in some Caucasian states, the appearance of a woman with her head uncovered or unaccompanied by men is still considered unethical.

Ethics and morality

Answering the question of what morality is, it should be remembered that this concept is sometimes referred not to society as a whole, but only to its specific part.

There is a Christian, Islamic, professional morality. Each of them, as is seen, refers only to a limited group of people, and therefore, has its foundations.

What is professional morality?This is a system that specifies a generally accepted concept in the annex to the representatives of a particular profession. It determines the attitude of the professional or the representative of the profession to the object of work, to their partners and colleagues, as well as to the results of the work.

Central to the concept of "professional ethics" is the concept of duty and responsibility. Close to them is the concept of professional conscience.

Professional morality

For example, one of the main principles defining the duty of a doctor is the principle of "do no harm."

For those who are engaged in sales, there is an unspoken rule "the customer is always right."

Профессиональная мораль отражает весь спектр moral worldviews, principles and rules of behavior of representatives of one professional community, satisfying a specific social need.

Summing up the reasoning on the topic “What is morality,” we can say: morality is the basis on which any society is built and developed.