/ / Meaning of the idiom "Like a squirrel in a wheel": the origin and modern life of expression

The meaning of the phraseology "How protein in the wheel": the origin and modern life of expression

If you think about the symbol of our era, you immediately wantRefresh the meaning of the phraseology "like a squirrel in a wheel." We shall deal below with the interpretation of the meaning of the popular expression inherited from I. A. Krylov.

Fable plot (lineage)

Известная история - праздник, народные гулянья.A wonderful miracle was brought to the fair - a squirrel in a wheel. She runs in a circle. People watch and wonder. Near the fairground tent, the place where the little animal gives an idea, there was a tree, and a thrush sat on it. And he is interested in squirrels, what actually does she do? She replies that the big gentleman is working as a messenger. Very much the squirrel is busy, can not even make time for a full meal. Why are there lunch, even a poor sigh sigh - and there is no time!

the meaning of idiom as a squirrel in a wheel

Drozd, leaving the site of observation and seeing how the squirrel began to circle around again, philosophically remarks: "It is clear to me that you are running, but you are still at the window."

We think that the meaning of the phraseologism “like a squirrel in a wheel” is already clear. Nevertheless, morality with a detailed explanation is already in a hurry to the reader.


Чему учит сочинение русского классика, не так уж hard to comprehend. Each of us knows people who love imitation of vigorous activity, but there is no core in it, there is no sense. That's it in these and fable beats. A person can rush, run, jump, but his efforts have no direction - he is always in place. The meaning of a phraseological unit "like a squirrel in a wheel" suggests a simple moral.

Modern life idiom

Now the meaning of the expression has softened a bit: now anyone who is too busy can get a comparison with a squirrel. Take, for example, office workers.

An ordinary manager makes every day aboutthe same thing - calls to customers and paperwork. Not a very diverse job, is it? And maybe, quite naturally, sometimes there is a sense of circulation and meaninglessness of everything that happens. But the feeling of uselessness of work in this case is imaginary. The office in which a person works is held by people like him. And our entire civilization lies on the backs of the workhorses. And the latter, by mistake, confuse themselves with rodents. It is clear that the meaning of the phraseologism “like a squirrel in a wheel” has softened in our day.

like a squirrel in a wheel lineage

A lot of work is the reality of almost every modernperson But do not despair and think about different animals. You need to accept your destiny and understand that it is not so bad. Yes, from time to time it happens that a “thrush” appears next to a person, and in one second he will devalue all activities, which, perhaps, even bring satisfaction to the “protein”. The advice is simple: do not pay attention to all kinds of spiteful critics.

We have analyzed the expression “as a squirrel in a wheel,” its origin and meaning, as well as morality.