/ / Proverbs about the book in Russian and Chinese folklore

Proverbs about the book in Russian and Chinese folklore

В мире существует два древнейших источника wisdom. They are considered to be oral folk art, conveying wisdom in brief statements, legends and fairy tales, as well as books - the first full repository of information. These two phenomena could not but intersect, so today humanity has many books about proverbs and a huge number of sayings about books.

History of books in Russia

As is known, in 988 Russia tookChristianity. In this regard, there is a need for material carriers that could spread the tenets of the Orthodox faith throughout the state. Such carriers of information about the holy laws of Christianity became books that were manually copied by monks. A significant contribution to the development of the book in Russia was made by brothers Cyril and Methodius.

proverbs about the book

During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the need toa large number of books has greatly increased, as the layer of the educated population of the state (boyars), in turn, has increased markedly. The monks did not have time to rewrite the book, moreover, it took a lot of time. In this regard, required equipment for printing. The founder of the printed book in our country is Ivan Fedorov, who, on the orders of Ivan IV, published the Acts of the Apostles edition in the first printing house.

Since then, books have become inalienable.an attribute of educated and moral people, they entered the Russian tradition and folklore: a new type of expression appeared - proverbs about the book.

Under Peter I, printed publications were not onlybearer of Christian values. Appeared secular literature, performing a recreational function. There were also written textbooks and collections on which children were taught at home and in educational institutions. Thanks to this type of print, proverbs about the book began to include additional connotation. They equated reading with teaching and education.

Book as a symbol of learning

Proverbs and sayings about the book secured it inRussian folk tradition as a source of knowledge and a storehouse of information. It was not by chance that there appeared a widespread opinion that an intelligent person cannot become one without reading.

Books are firmly entrenched in the education system,entered the programs of educational institutions, the concept of “classical literature” also appeared, which could not exist if the works of great writers were not fixed on the material medium.

proverbs and sayings about the book

Proverbs about the book represent only cumulativethe image of publications as something useful for human morality. But there were many cases in history when books and individual works were considered dangerous because they contained ideas that contradicted the interests of the authorities. An example of this is the “GULAG Archipelago” by A. Solzhenitsyn, a novel that was released to the public much later than appeared from the writer's pen.

Russian sayings about books

The value of the book has always been emphasized in Russian.folklore. An illustration of this thesis can be the statement: "Gold is extracted from the earth, and knowledge - from the book." It is clear from it that knowledge for the Russian people is tantamount to gold in its value, and a good book is fertile ground on which everything useful and necessary for a spiritually and morally developed person appears.

proverbs about book and reading

Proverbs about the book are inextricably linked to the process.acquaintance with the information presented in it, that is, with reading. In Russia, by the way, until the abolition of serfdom, most of the population was illiterate, as the peasants did not have the material opportunities to send their children to school. Nevertheless, the proverbs about the book and its reading were entrenched in the Russian tradition long before illiteracy was eliminated in the state.

Chinese sayings about books

Wise Eastern thinkers could not bypass the topic of books. Proverbs and sayings about the book occupy an important place in Chinese folk art.

proverbs about the love of the book

Oriental sayings are different,sophisticated metaphorical, which makes them bright and elegant. Here is one of them: “An unfinished book is a path not traversed to the end”. This saying stresses that reading a work is a whole life with its own characteristics and laws to which a person must obey. If the reading of the work is not completed, it means that all previous actions lose their meaning, the essence and philosophy of the book remains incomprehensible, the reader will not be able to fully appreciate its beauty. Thus, proverbs about reading and reading are very common and relevant in China.

Russian sayings about teaching

The Russian people, of course, perceiveseducation as a boon to man. And since the source of knowledge is the book, the concepts of “learning” and “reading” in Russian folklore have become synonymous. That is why the proverbs about the love of the book are often embodied in another kind of utterances - in sayings about schooling: “The bird is red with feathers, and a man is learning,” because self-education is impossible without a good book.

Chinese sayings about learning

Oriental sages also emphasize the incrediblethe importance of reading for the knowledge of the environment and oneself, for the improvement of one’s inner world. Therefore, in China, proverbs about the doctrine and the book are the most popular type of such clever laconic statements.

proverbs about the doctrine and the book

"You will not be in a hurry to learn, you canmiss it, ”is one example of sayings that advocate early self-education, the best assistant of which is a useful and interesting book.