/ Rabbit cabbage: application in traditional medicine and landscape design.

Hare cabbage: application in folk medicine and landscape design.

Stilus ordinary, or, as they say,“Hare cabbage” is a perennial plant belonging to the genus Sedum, family Crassulacease. This succulent culture is also known as stone rose, or young.

The plant has been known since ancient times, it was planted as a lightning conductor on the roofs of rooms during the reign of Charlemagne. Widely distributed in Western and Central Africa, in Europe.

What does hare cabbage look like?

Stem culture - upright, height from 10 to70 centimeters, mostly purple-red. The plant is fleshy, the leaves are thick and opposite, with a waxy coating, slightly grayish. Leaves - toothed and notched.

Flowering begins from July to September, independing on the region of growth. The flowers are star-shaped. They are very small, color - from yellowish-green to reddish. Inflorescence is corymbose and dense. The fruits of the plant can be seen in September. Flowers always appear at the top of the stem.

Roof view

Where it grows

In our latitudes hare cabbage grows inEuropean part of the Russian Federation, in Moldova and Ukraine. It prefers sandy soils, it can also be found on the coastline near fresh water bodies. Also growing culture on the edges and hills, in the pine groves and in the bushes, along the slopes.


In folk medicine is used underground,aboveground parts and flowers of hare cabbage. Prepare the culture for storage only in sunny weather, at least cloudy, but in no case not in the rainy, and not when the plant blooms. The roots are harvested from September to October.

After collection, the grass does not need to be washed, but only well cleaned from the ground and dried in a well-ventilated area, previously divided into small segments.

Young cleanings


Sedum is rich in tannins, it has vitamin C and organic acids, as well as:

  • flavonoid glycosides;
  • carotene;
  • calcium salts;
  • vitamins of group B.

Use in traditional medicine

The healing properties of the “hare cabbage” are sufficient.well studied today, and it is well established that the plant is classified as poisonous, therefore its use should be clearly dosed.

Fresh leaves are used in ointments for wounds that do not heal for a long time, with acne and other skin problems. Women use stonecrops to treat mastitis.

Infusions from molodilas help get rid ofbronchitis and peptic ulcer; women, they help with heavy menstruation. A decoction is used as a diuretic. Well helps the plant as a painkiller.

By its biological activity, the culture is very similar to aloe, so it is used almost like this plant.


If you use a stone rose in the recommended dosages, then there will be no side effects. There are no contraindications to use.

stone rose

Use in landscape design

Растение заячья капуста достаточно широко used in the design of flowerbeds, personal plots. The culture has about 40 species with a wide range of colors. The main thing is to take into account that the sedum loves bright glades, in which the appearance of the plant immediately becomes more vibrant, and the color of the flowers - more vivid. In shady places, a culture may not bloom at all, that is, it will completely lose all its decorative effect. Often, with high humidity and a small amount of light, the plant infects pathogenic microflora in the form of spots on the foliage and stem.

For the decorative type of the plant will have regularlyfollow, cutting off withered buds and tearing off dried leaves. It is necessary to feed the crop with complex mineral fertilizers, but in no case should fresh manure be used.

Rejuvenated does not require watering, and in damp soil the lower leaves will generally rot. Therefore, the plant is better to plant around those crops that also do not require watering.

Marble scrubbing

Common species

Rabbit cabbage is cultivated in gardens mainly of the following varieties:


Color of inflorescence

Peduncle height

Leaf color

Runner or scorpion

yellowish greenish

up to 10 cm

top green, bottom red

Spider web


up to 7 cm

with white edge at the edges, light green


bright purple

up to 18 cm

green, mostly red at base


pink or red

up to 15 cm




up to 20 cm

green edged



up to 10 cm



greenish yellow

up to 15 cm

green, slightly red at the edges


pink and red in the middle

up to 10 cm

greenish red with pink tips


rose red

up to 14 cm

green with reddish tips



up to 10 cm



rose red

up to 10 cm

light green, with a white edge around the edges, with arid weather get a reddish tint

Saplings of stonecrop ordinary can be safelyorder from online stores, the plant perfectly tolerates the “travels” in mailings. Rejuvenated ideal for the formation of multi-level flower beds and flower beds.