/ / Curls "Magic curl": how to use. Curlers "Magic curl": instruction, reviews, prices

Curlers "Magic curl": how to use. Curlers "Magic curl": instruction, reviews, prices

Each girl dreams of a variety of hairstyles for every day. Elements of many of them are curls. Often girls avoid such elements, because the wave takes too much time.

One of the newest developments in the field of homeThe hair curlers can be considered hair curlers "Magic curl". Their unusual appearance and ease of use are popular with many girls. With them, every beautiful woman can curl her hair and make an evening hairstyle.

Appearance and composition of curlers

Lovers of curls know a lot of ways tocreation. Curlers "Magic curl", reviews about which will be provided at the end of the article, have an unusual appearance. They are hollow ribbons of polymer fiber, twisted into a spiral.

curler curler curl

At the ends of the curlers are equipped with silicone tips for easy use and prevention of damage to the hair.

Advantages of using silicone curlers

1. Durability. Soft design of the curler prevents their breakage from falling or careless handling.

2. Security.The curl algorithm does not provide for heating the hair, so you can even make the hair using the "Magic curl" set. Soft construction does not cause splitting ends.

3. Versatile application. This type of curler is suitable for everyday use, and for festive evenings.

curlers magic curl reviews

4. Saving space. Soft silicone bags occupy less space than conventional thermal rollers, designed for a similar amount of hair.

5. Allowance for length of hair. Depending on the color curlers are of different lengths. But regardless of this, they can be used for short haircuts. On too long curls, several curlers are put on.

Feedback on the disadvantages of using silicone curlers

Universal development is like almost everyonebuyers. But some of them find small defects in the products. Negative feedback often refers to the quality of the hair hook. It is made of plastic, which often breaks. Therefore, when buying, it is important to pay attention to this element.

Часто бигуди "Волшебный локон" заказываются через The Internet. In this case, the buyer can not be sure in advance of the quality of the delivered goods. It is best to carefully read the reviews before buying, compare prices with other sales locations and then make a decision.

Options for a set of sets of soft curlers

Girls with different hair lengths can find foryourself suitable sets of curlers "Magic curl" Magic Leverage. The most common option consists of 18 pieces (9 long and 9 short). If desired, you can find other configurations. For example, there are sets consisting of 48 pieces, they are suitable for owners of thick hair.

Each girl when choosing a kit shouldfocus on your own hair length. Depending on this, the set option will be selected. For short haircuts suitable curlers length of 15 cm, for medium - 35-45 cm, for long - more than 75 cm.

Sets of 6-12 pieces are suitable for girls who want to combine soft hair curlers with traditional ones for interesting effects while curling.

Often in hairstyles are used elements withcurls only at the ends of the hair. A special type of curler, the Magic Roller, has been developed for their execution; they look like small snails. The set of such curlers also includes 18 pieces.

hair curlers magic curl how to use

Getting the effect of the corrugation is also possible with curlers "Magic curl." For this you need to purchase a special version of them.

Each kit includes a special hook forthreading strands into the bag. In sets, this additional element consists of two connecting parts. This is all that consists of a set of curlers "Magic curl." How to use the hook and spiral polymer tape will be described below.

Algorithm for creating curls

1. Wash your hair in the usual way.

2. Allow hair to dry naturally.When they are slightly wet, you can start curling. If the hair is almost dry, the curls will be light and barely noticeable. To enhance curling, you can evenly distribute the foam or mousse for styling over the entire length.

3Starting a perm is better from the back of the head, as a rule, the hair is longer there. The first strand of width 1-2 cm can be separated at the crown, so that it can be clearly seen in the mirror. Then you can twist the future curl a little in the bundle.

4. Thread the hook loop forward through the polymer tape and hook it with the end of the rope.

hair curlers magic curl Price

5. Pull the hook out in the opposite direction. At the same time, the selected strand will pass the full length of the curler and twist into a spiral.

curlers magic curl instruction

6. Similarly, you need to do with strands on the whole head.

7It is advisable to let the hair dry naturally. In this case, they will not be subjected to any aggressive actions. If the girl is in a hurry, it is better to dry the hair curlers with a hairdryer. Naturally they will scroll for hours. Most often, intense drying is enough for 15-20 minutes to get a perm.

8. To remove the curlers, you need to slightly squeeze the silicone tip on the sides and gently pull them.

hair curlers magic curl magic leverage

9. Finished curls, if desired, are fixed with lacquer or divided into smaller strands.

Каждой девушке под силу научиться создавать свой image using hair curlers "Magic curl." Instructions for the use of "snails" is very similar to the above. The only difference is in fixing them at the ends of the hair. For this, a dedicated strand hooks on a hook approximately in the middle of the length and is threaded in the same way.

The cost of curlers "Magic curl"

The fee for this type of product depends on the compositionpurchased set, the length of the polymer spirals and their number. Hair curlers "Magic curl", reviews of which are often enthusiastic, you can buy in specialized departments of goods for hair and online stores. Prices in the latter may be slightly lower.

A set of small Magic Leverage costs an average of400 rubles. The length of these curlers is only 18 cm, that is, they are only suitable for short hair. Average spirals (20-40 cm) cost 600-900 rubles for a set of 18 pieces. For long hair curlers "Magic curl", the price of a set of which is about 1000 rubles, can have the form of wide or wavy pouches.

Customer reviews about using soft curlers

Manufacturers claim that the creation timehairstyles - 30 minutes. This is not entirely true. Owners of long thick hair spend on a perm a few hours until the hair dries out naturally. Dry hair dryer such curls, too, is long.

When buying a set of curlers "Magic curl" inSpecialized department need to pay attention to the smell of products. This reflects its quality. Kits of harmful materials can have an unpleasant pungent smell. They can not be used to create hairstyles.

magic curlers

Hair curlers "Magic curl", reviews of the unpleasant odor from which most often refer to cheap fakes, with proper quality products should not cause discomfort during use.

Curling Hairstyles

The easiest and fastest way to make a hairstylecurled hair - comb them to the side and fasten stealth in the center of the head. Stripped back curls always look impressive. Such hairstyles are fixed invisible above the ears. Instantly give festive curls can simply take them to the high tail.

Thus, for girls who want to independently make a variety of hairstyles, hair curlers "Magic curl" are perfect. How to use these comfortable spirals, it was told in the article.