/ / How to make curls without curlers and curling fast and beautiful?

How to make curls without curlers and curling fast and beautiful?

Curls - this is the most popular hairstylemost hairdressers. Every second woman, who signed up for the styling, asks the master to make three-dimensional ringlets. Luxurious and mischievous curls always attract more attention than straight hair. That's why many try to learn how to make curls at home. Thanks to the ability to wind curls yourself, you can save a decent amount of money, as well as not spend time on a trip to the beauty salon. But the biggest advantage of home laying is the ability to protect your hair from the use of a curling iron.

How to do without hot tools

The curly hairdo's hair style impliesuse of a curling iron or ironing-corrugation. However, styling with hot tools causes irreparable damage to the hair, so you need to train yourself to use improvised, home remedies and tricks to create ringlets. Thinking about how to make curls without curlers and curling irons, you can distinguish the following methods using:

  1. Fena and comb.
  2. Homemade tubules of heavy paper.
  3. Foil.
  4. Kosicek.
  5. Ribbon.
  6. Invisible.

These are the best ways to make curls without curlersand curling iron. To wind curls with these methods, you do not need to leave the house and buy special attributes for styling. Thanks to these tricks, the hair will stay healthy and will not be damaged with time, as it often happens when styling with hot stylers. But in order to keep the curls in the hairstyle for a long time, each method requires the exact execution of all the rules of winding

Locks with a hair dryer

In the absence of a curler house, as well as reluctancetorment hair curls, you can try to create a styling with a conventional household hairdryer. In addition to it, you will need a hairbrush, as well as any means of fixation: gel, lacquer or foam for styling. It is desirable that the house turned out to be both varnish and foam to create voluminous curls.

Instructions for creating a hairstyle:

  1. Before you make curls without curlers and curlers, you need to apply a little foam on wet strands.
  2. Comb the hair with your hands, and then divide them into two zones, fixing the top with a hair clip on the crown.
  3. Take a thin strand and wind it on a round comb.
  4. Dry the curl with a hair dryer, without removing it from the comb.
  5. In this way it is necessary to treat all the hair.

After drying, each curl must be sprinkled with varnish. However, if the goal is careless and romantic waves, the hair needs to be lightly combed with fingers.

If the hair dryer has a nozzle-diffuser, three-dimensionalYou can build locks with her. She will not be able to make elastic curls, but she will be able to make a magnificent and stylish hairstyle very quickly and easily. To do this, it is necessary to dry the hair, moving the nozzle from the roots, with each movement scrolling the strand. Fingers of the diffuser twist the strands a little, creating a stylish, slightly careless appearance.

ways to make curls without curling irons and curlers

Curls on the tubules

Для создания мелких и озорных кудряшек пригодятся ordinary tubules for drinks. If they are not home, you can make tubes of thick paper or cardboard. To do this, it is only necessary to cut thin strips of cardboard and fold them in half. Next, you should wind the wet strands on the tubes and fasten at the ends with hairpins. Such homemade hair curlers should be left overnight so that the hair spins well. Before you make curls without curlers and curling, the head must be thoroughly washed and not dried with a hairdryer.

Curls from the curls will be very fine andstructural. This hairstyle is often called "African curls" and in recent times it is especially relevant. Before you remove the strands from the tubes, they need a little dry hair dryer. If you weave wet hair, curls will not retain their curl. The finished hairstyle is not recommended to comb. Because then the curls fluff and become not so beautiful. You can only slightly smooth the hair with your fingers, giving them the desired shape.

Curls of tubes

Using foil

Before you make curls without curlers and curlingIn this way, it is worth making sure that there is a strong foil at home. For winding the hair will need only it and a little wool. It is necessary to cut the foil into rectangles and place it in front of you on the table for convenience. Put some cotton wool in the rectangles and roll them up into a tube of medium thickness. Soft curlers make curls smoother and more voluminous. It is necessary to wind the hair in the following way:

  1. On the curler of foil wind a small strand of hair. The wider it is, the thicker the curl will be.
  2. Fix tightly curlers at the roots.
  3. To carry out such a procedure on all hair, leaving the foil overnight.

In the morning, after removing the homemade hair curlers, curls must be sprayed with varnish.

curls with foil

Braids from braids

Thinking about how to make curls without curlers andCurling quickly and beautifully, the first thing that comes to mind is to braid the braids. Surely every girl mom in childhood did this hairstyle. Only then it was necessary to avoid confusion, and now - a reason to find fashionable curls. It is better to do it on wet hair, then the curls will be very structured and elastic. The hair after braids becomes like after shirring with an iron. The more braids it will turn out to braid, the more lush the hairstyle will be.

how to make curls without curlers and curling

Twisting hair on ribbons

Ways to make curls without curling and curlers are very diverse. You can get beautiful curls or wide curls even with the help of ribbons from rags.

how to make curls without curlers and curling beautiful

This method of twisting the hair is rooted inthe last century, when women of fashion constantly wondered: "How to make curls without curlers and curling quickly and at no cost?" They loved to make beautiful curls, constructing various hairstyles of them. When curlers were a real luxury, women came up with a simple and affordable way to create curls. It consists of the following:

  1. Split freshly washed wet hair into several zones and staple with clamps.
  2. Take the average thickness of the strand and screw on the ribbon. It is necessary to start creating curls from the bottom of the head.
  3. Tie a ribbon with a curl closer to the roots of the hair.
  4. Make sure that all wraps are well secured with rags, and go to bed.
  5. In the morning, dry your hair with a hair dryer, remove the ribbons, distributing the finished curls with your fingers.

Tricks of home styling

Задумываясь о том, как красиво сделать кудри без curlers and curling, it should be remembered that the success of a cold curl depends on the type of hair, as well as their length. Thick and straight hair, of all these methods, will best respond to weaving braids. Only after them should rely on the beautiful waves. For such a result, two or three densely braided braids will suffice. You can also achieve the effect of shirring, but in this case it is necessary to braid from 6 to 10 small braids.

Twirling hair on ribbons or homemadecurlers, it is worth remembering that the longer they are, the thinner the strand should be. If you take wide, then long hair can not even see the long-awaited curls.

curls without curling and hair curlers

Curls with stealth

This simple accessory is probably available forevery girl. But few people know that invisible women can help make curls no worse than a conical curling. To do this, you need about 20 pins, as well as a foam to create structural curls. On wet hair, you need to put a little foam, divide them into two zones and start to twist the flagella from the bottom.

curls with stealth

Instructions for creating curls:

  1. A thin strand must be twisted into a flagellum, and then roll it into an even ring on the head. It should turn out to be round and tight.
  2. Fasten the flagellum ring with two stealth so that the strand is held firmly at the roots.
  3. With invisible hair you need to go to bed, and in the morning to dry your head with a hair dryer to fix the curls.

These are the basic ways to create curls without curlers.