/ / How to make curls without curling and curlers yourself?

How to make curls without curling irons and curlers independently?

Every girl wants to look irresistible, everyI want to be the owner of lush and healthy hair, and ideally - elastic and elegant curls. That's just the process of curling on curlers or curling has its drawbacks, and besides, not every lady at home has a set of hairdressing devices to create styling. Below are practical tips on how to make large curls on your own, at home.

Curls on the foil, rags, candy wrappers from sweets

how to make curls without curling and curlers

The history of hairstyles from wavy hair takes itsbeginning in 40-50 years of XX century, when women around the world have adopted the fashion for curled locks from the heroines of movies and TV shows. About curlers and curling, most of them have not even heard. Persistent beauties had to be smart enough to catch up with famous divas and figure out how to make curls without curling and curlers. Women used all the tools they had found at home: rags, paper, wrapping materials, etc. This method is somewhat troublesome, but from the third or fourth time it will be obtained without difficulty. To “design” curls, you will need strips of cloth (or other material, at your discretion) with a length of 10–15 centimeters, and a width of about 3-4 centimeters.

Для крупных и объемных прядей лучше будет also prepare paper cylinders. Next, you should divide the hair into individual strands and twist them into fabric blanks, using the same technique as when using curlers. The ends of self-made designs must be tied so that the curls do not break up ahead of time. Those wishing to learn how to make curls without curling and curlers, you need to remember that it is recommended to remove cloths not earlier than after 6 hours, so that the curls are firmly fixed. To achieve the morning "curly" effect is better to curl the night before. Typically, these curls hold on for a long time, but do not neglect varnishes and hair sprays, so that the hairstyle is kept as long as possible.

Braids curls

curls without curling and curlers

Many girls know the amazing way thathow to make large curls, from early childhood. To do this, simply braid braids. The number of curls and the size of curls depends on the number of braids and their thickness. In other words, for small curlicues should be braided a lot of thin braids, like the African. Large weaving on the contrary contributes only to the appearance on the head of a slight waviness. On average, weave 10-20 pieces. There is also a slight trick: after the “spikelet”, there will be a sea of ​​funny curls on the hair, while large curls will be made from the classic braid. "Dissolve" braids should be 7-8 hours after weaving.

Hairpins and studs

Many women complain that notThey present how to make curls without curlers and curlers, as they have short hair. Unbelievable, but it is a fact! Even with a short haircut, it is possible to curl without the use of curlers. The hair is divided into bunches and overlapped with one another, each such element is fixed with two hairpins. For best effect you need to wear a hair net. In this state, the head should be within 7-9 hours, after which the barrettes can be removed, and the hairstyle treated with varnish.

how to make large curls
Hairpins are great assistants in creating curlsfor pleasors of long hair. In this case, after dividing into strands, the hair is shaped into curls, securing each with a hairpin at the root. Further styling is created by drying the sprayed pre-treated with a spray for the volume of curls at the roots using a hair dryer. After drying the studs, you can pull out and use additional means of fixation.

Each technique above can help.a girl to solve a difficult task: how to make curls without curling and curlers. After their development, anyone will be able to turn into a TV screen heroine and boast a charming hairdo.