/ / How to properly wind curlers - the secrets of beauty.

How to properly wind curlers - the secrets of beauty.

Many girls are sure that they know how tocorrectly wind the hair curlers, but removing them, uneven locks are found and the mood spoils. How to avoid this situation? How to deal with competent winding hair curlers? In general, they are not difficult to use, but training is required. We will tell you how to rotate correctly on curlers and which models to choose.

Almost every house was stalemetal curlers, which have remained since Soviet times. They are not recommended for use, they traumatize the hair and are not comfortable. It is better to stop on models from plastic or polystyrene: they can be safely to sleep, they do not spoil the hair and are easy to use. Another option - electric curlers. Use them only on thick and healthy hair, dry hair should not be heated. For short hair it is better to use large curlers for volume. They are easy to wind and hair quickly take in volume. Hair curlers can be made on their own, especially if there is no time to go to the store. How correctly to do hair curlers? You can use the method of our grandmothers and cut the soft fabric into strips, tie them at the ends and twist the hair. But all the same it is better not to experiment and buy curlers in advance.

Any hairstyle requires that the hair behealthy, especially when winding. Do not forget about caring for your hair. With each wash, use balms or conditioners, do some strengthening masks several times a month, try to dry your hair less often with a hairdryer and smooth them with ironing.

Let's talk about how to properly wind the curlers.First, comb your hair thoroughly, after washing it with the balm. Over the entire length of the hair, apply a styling foam, it will help to keep your locks for a longer period of time. Separate the strand, the width is not more than the curler itself and not too thick. Lift your hair, comb and start winding. The ends of the strand should be placed in the middle of the curler and gradually wind. Take care that the hair does not fall out and do not break during the winding. Secure the curlers using hairpins or invisible ones. Take care that they do not hurt, it was convenient, because they will need to be worn for several hours.

Curlers need to be screwed tight enough, but,without causing unpleasant sensations to the head. The twisting itself is carried out to the very roots. Repeat this action, alternately separating the neat strands. That's all the complexity, now you know how to properly wind the curlers.

When all hair is screwed, they need to bethoroughly dry. Use a hairdryer, having adjusted the average temperature, the hair does not need to be dried. After you leave them for a few hours, how much time will allow.

The beauty industry offers a lot of money forHair, using which hair style will last longer. Stock up with special fixers. They not only protect the hair from external influences, but also have nutritional properties. When choosing fixers, be guided by the characteristics of your hair. There are fixers for normal, fatty and damaged hair. It is better to choose the latter: they contain many useful elements that strengthen and nourish the hair.

Twisted curls always look beautiful andattractive. They can be left in their original form, neatly distributing strands. Locks can be beautifully stabbed, using stilettos or invisible, flowers or bows. If you are going to a celebration, use glossy products. Get a romantic and festive look.

Now you know how to properly wind the curlers. Be beautiful and let your hair is envious of everything.