/ / How to cook cucumber lotion at home

How to prepare a cucumber lotion at home

Салон красоты вполне можно устроить и у себя дома.Masks, lotions and even creams are very well prepared from available fruits and berries, vegetables, dairy and fermented milk products. The main thing is to correctly determine the type of your skin and get hold of the top ten most effective recipes.

Preliminary remarks

cucumber lotion at home
Огурец – один из наиболее популярных в cosmetology ingredients for the preparation of various skin care products. It perfectly moisturizes, whitens, tones, especially in combination with other herbal ingredients. But before you share the secret of how you can make a cucumber lotion at home, I would like to draw the attention of our ladies to this nuance. Such funds are prepared on an alcohol basis. And here it is necessary to remember: "alcohol" in the preparation can be kept from 6% to 30%. Thus it is necessary to observe a proportion: if a lotion of cucumbers is prepared for a pimple teenage skin, the maximum allowable amount of alcohol can be used at home. If it is planned to process them simply fatty or fat-prone skin, then 15% is enough, as much as 19-20% of the total amount of liquid. The most gentle and soft should be on the composition of the drug for a fading face and prone to dry skin. In this case, alcohol (vodka) in cucumber lotion, made at home, do not add more than 6%. Use as a raw material can be a vegetable of different varieties. Of course, it should be mature enough, even if it is old. But only not rotten and not sluggish.

cucumber and vodka lotion
Healthy gifts are suitable for cosmetic products.nature, juicy - after all, the juice will be needed in this case. Cucumber lotion is made at home in this way: all components are thoroughly washed, the skin can not be cut off the vegetable. It should be rubbed on a plastic grater (iron oxidizes), then through sterile gauze folded in 3-4 layers, pressed into a clean container. Strain the resulting liquid. It is advisable to put the juice in the case immediately or put for a couple of hours - no more - in the refrigerator. Or is it directly mixed with alcoholic ingredients and infused

Recipes for all occasions

And now more about the tool.

  1. To cleanse the skin, remove excess fat,antiseptic effect with irritations perfectly lotion of cucumber and vodka. Vegetables (100 g) finely cut or grate, pour the same amount of vodka or 40% alcohol, cover the container and leave for a week in a dark place. Then strain and use as intended. As an additional tonic component, lemon will be useful (rub fruit, squeeze out, add juice to lotion).
    lotion preparation process
  2. If the skin is dry, it is useful to moisturize it.unusual means: cook 100 gr. cucumber juice, beat the egg yolk into it, pour in half a glass of medium-fat cream and a tablespoon of high-quality vodka. Beat the mixture thoroughly again, then filter. This recipe for cucumber lotion is beneficial and useful in that it gives the skin a fresh, vibrant look, makes it visually younger, and returns elasticity. The mixture can be washed - instead of soap and other cleansers. The only minus of the lotion is that it is not stored for long, therefore it is better to do it in small quantities and use it as quickly as possible.
  3. For whitening and refreshing tired skinsuitable means of cucumber juice with boric acid. Vegetable grate. In 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes pour a teaspoon of acid and heat a little. Use warm lotion to wipe your face and neck. Then lubricate them with a suitable cream.
    cucumber lotion recipe

Being engaged in home cosmetology, add decoctions of chamomile, plantain, celandine, roses, parsley and aloe extracts into lotions - they all have a beneficial effect on the condition of your skin!