Olive oil is very beneficial for the skin and hair. Since ancient times, this unique product has been used in Greece. Now it is available to all comers.
What is useful olive oil for the skin, hair?
First, it contains vitamins:A, D, E, fatty polyunsaturated acids, as well as macro- and microelements. Secondly, it has a moisturizing and soothing effect and thereby helps to get rid of peeling and irritation. Thirdly, heals wounds, helps with skin burns. Fourth, olive oil is an antioxidant that saves the skin from aging.
Olive oil is made from olives, which have long been used to treat various diseases. This also determines its healing properties.
Olive oil for the skin
We all know how gentle and sensitive skin is.around eyes. She needs special care, which is able to provide olive oil. Apply it in the form of heat on the skin around the eyes, gently rub, patting the fingers. Then it is recommended to take a horizontal position and relax. You need to be in this state for about half an hour. After removing excess oil with a tissue.
This oil is great to wipe your face to remove makeup. That is, it cleans the skin. It is advisable to apply the oil in a heated form, then leave it on the skin for ten minutes and rinse.
To cleanse the skin, you can cook cucumberlotion with olive oil, adding a teaspoon of baking soda and some rose water. Keep this tool does not cost more than three days. Apply it on the face for a minute or two, then rinse. This lotion can be used for any skin type, but for oily skin it is better to prepare a lemon lotion. It is prepared in the same way, but instead of using cucumber juice, we use lemon juice.
You can make masks that have a tonic effect.
Face mask with olive oil
Mask 1. Ingredients:olive oil, carrot juice, lemon juice, sour cream. Take one teaspoon of each component. Mix thoroughly, add the yeast in the amount of one tablespoon. Apply the mask for fifteen minutes on the skin, then rinse with cool water.
Mask 2. It gives freshness to the skin.To cook it, you need to mix olive oil, honey, chopped mint. All components take one spoonful. Apply the mixture to your face for ten minutes, then rinse.
Mask 3. To give a healthy color to the face. Dissolve cosmetic clay in water, add olive oil. Apply to the skin. Soak on the face for fifteen minutes, and you can rinse.
Mask 4. It eliminates wrinkles. You need to mix in the same proportions of lemon juice and olive oil. Apply to skin for fifteen minutes.
Acne Olive Oil
Yes, olive oil is among the products that eliminate acne. These products include: clean water, olive oil, green tea, wheat and nuts, meat and fish.
Use olive oil is recommended for cooking. This product is unique, cleanses the skin and supports it in a healthy way. It is a supplier of essential fatty acids.
Olive oil for facial skin, porous, problem
The mask is prepared in this way:mix the following ingredients: half a teaspoon of boric acid, a tablespoon of olive oil and the same amount of glycerin, two tablespoons of beeswax, a piece of lemon and cucumber. All components are mixed in a water bath (cucumber and lemon pre-pass through a meat grinder). This mask should be stored in the refrigerator so that it does not deteriorate and does not lose its properties. For oily skin with acne, you should apply this mask three times a week. Apply for half an hour, then rinse. It will relieve inflammation, help narrow the enlarged pores.
So, face masks have a favorable effect.effects on the skin. Moreover, if you periodically make masks, their miraculous effect will be noticeable. According to makeup artists, good makeup is impossible without a prior nourishing mask. As the main component of such care products, it is recommended to use olive oil. Olive oil for the face, so what can I say, for the whole body, is a universal remedy.