What is hair cautery?

What women do not do with theirhair, to look in a new way, fresh, beautiful and certainly stylish. But coloring, curling, and daily styling with a hair dryer and fixing cosmetics, and other similar procedures cause severe damage to the hair, weakening them and breaking the structure. In the end, with what they fought, then, as they say, they ran into - blindly striving for perfection of hair, we completely forget about their health. Yes, and dull, brittle hair with split ends - this is quite ugly. What is there to do?

Among other procedures that are proposedtoday to help our hairstyle, we will consider in detail such, as hair cauterization. No matter how hard your hair was damaged, it's not the time to get upset, because everything can be changed in the power of modern cosmetology.

Cautery of hair is the most moderntechnology, which is a curative procedure for the recovery of damaged and weakened hair. It consists of successive steps that are aimed at feeding, cleaning and restoring the hair structure both from within and on the surface. In this case, only preparations of natural origin are used. Thus, cauterization is not just a recovery, but a hair restoration.

Specially for the procedure, a series ofpreparations, the main active component of which is an extract extracted from the core of the bamboo stem. In this component in a fairly large amount contains silicon, which is extremely necessary for the reconstruction of the hair structure.

Cautery of hair: stages of procedure

1.Cleansing the skin on the head and inner hair layer with a special protein-lipid shampoo restoring action. This stage is necessary in order for the active components of the drug to penetrate as deeply as possible afterwards.

2.On the hair (wet), apply the restoring serum - warmed to warm state of bamboo oil. It is distributed over the entire length of your hair. At the same time, the master hands up a relaxing massage. The purpose of this stage is saturation and deep nutrition of hair and scalp by active components.

3. For better penetration of minerals and proteins, the hair is dried with a hair dryer and ironed with special ironing, which places all the scales in places.

4. The hair is washed with water, slightly dried.Then they apply a protein concentrate on them, which is also washed off after 15-20 minutes. The purpose of this stage is to make the hair more elastic and supple with daily care.

5. Scales are "sealed" with a special aerosol.

Cautery of hair: effect

После каутеризации волосы становятся плотнее, healthier, stronger, and curls shine with brilliance and beauty. Simultaneously, this procedure contributes to the subsequent protection of your hair from exposure to harmful external factors. But in order to achieve a tangible result, one time is not enough - an average of 3-6 such sessions. To maintain the effect, it is recommended to perform the procedure every 4-5 weeks, then your hair will always look irresistible.

Hair Cautery: useful to know

There are several important points related to hair cautery, which you should know about.

1. Cautery is not recommended at home - this is purely salon procedure.

2. Before the cauterization, during and after the treatment course, do not paint the hair, otherwise the entire effect of the procedure will be brought to nothing.

3. The effect is least noticeable after the first procedure of cauterization on the owners of clarified hair, because inside they are empty and need a longer recovery period.

4.In order to maintain the effect of this treatment procedure at the proper level, you can use a special complex of cosmetics for additional care at home, which includes shampoo, mask, renewal lotion and aerosol.

If you are still undecided, whether it is worthwhile to treat hair with the help of such procedure as hair cauterization, read reviews on the Internet will not be superfluous.