Сейчас на модных показах, светских вечеринках и film premieres you can see a lot of girls with a natural and unusual shade of hair, which is incredibly popular this season. Mouse hair color otherwise called gray-blond, the last couple of years is at the peak of popularity. He ousted burning red and burning black Kohler.
Who would suit such a solution?
A mouse color is considered quite universal.hair (pictured below). Suitable for both young ladies and elegant women who have overstepped the age of forty. Someone likes its light shades, and someone prefers a dark tone. Some brave girls conduct experiments and add bluish and purple hues to the main body. Mysterious image gives mouse hair color with silver ombre.
It is worth noting that, despite its versatility, this shade is very capricious. Before the procedure of hair coloring, it is desirable to study the natural color of the strands and the condition of the scalp.
Light mouse colors are perfectemphasize the beauty of porcelain skin. The image becomes mysterious and light. But with uneven skin and rashes, it is better to refrain from staining the strands in gray shades. But for girls with blue and green eyes, a slightly dark version of this color will do.
It is extremely rare to find natural mousehair color. The paint in this case is a magic wand for women. But you need to choose the shade very skillfully, because the wrong tone will spoil the appearance. Do not be afraid of experiments only girls with fair skin and the same eyes.
The combination of mouse and graphite emphasizesthe beauty of the cold deep tsvetotipa. For owners of tanned chocolate skin, its shades will only add age and underline the vulgarity, which is not very good.
Important aspects of this color solution.
Mouse hair color is considered dangerous and capricious.What is this? In fact, if we talk about the natural tones of hair, it is quite rare. Therefore, of course, it is not suitable for all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. If you still want to get exactly this shade, then first you need to consult with the master, view examples and photos from the catalogs. Mouse color is quite whimsical, and instead of a deep aristocratic image you can get the most unpredictable result.
Gray-brown tone from the color palette is very dangerous.And do not rely on commercials with famous people who have tried the effect of color on themselves. It is necessary to approach the choice very carefully, observing all the rules and considering the nuances.
Natural nuances
Blond hair color is quite common. And its shades are obtained due to the natural pigmentation of human hair.
How to get mouse hair color (gray-blond)?This shade can be achieved only if you have your own natural light tone. With the existing coloration or highlighting, it is desirable to even out the tone, that is, to make the locks monochromatic. Otherwise in different parts of the head strands will have a different color. There are various versions of the mouse color scheme, which are now very popular among women, because they look stylish and attractive.
Features and options
Experts claim that mouse hair colornow popular. All due to the fact that fashion returns to naturality, and what could be more natural than brown curls. The trendy is considered the combination of gray-brown with ash.
Ash is a specific tone, and skillful andits correct application helps to achieve a spectacular image, as evidenced by celebrity photos. But It is worth noting that it is difficult to achieve exactly the depth of the mouse in combination with ashy. Here it is necessary to take into account certain rules of hair coloring.
In addition, gray mouse hair color balances on the verge of a smooth transition to a red shade.
Light shade
Light shades are achieved only with a gradual lightening strands or tinting. The final hair color depends on the quality of the dye, the basic shade of the curls, as well as the experience of the hairdresser.
Attractive option of gray-brown tone strandsIt is considered a blond with a grayish tint. If you have a naturally dark blond color, then it is easy to achieve the shade presented above. For this, it is not necessary to use even chemically active dyes. It is enough to use such national clarifiers, like lemon juice, chamomile decoction and saffron tincture. In their time, such famous stars as Jennifer Aniston and Taylor Swift had a stylish light shade of a mouse color.
Average tonality
Average tonality is achieved only thanks toinitial bleaching of hair. Fixing agent is considered toning strands. With wheat or other light colors rather simple toning.
For the gray-brown color of the average tone is characterized by cold depth and a certain silver accent.
Dark shades
In order to achieve a dark version, it is necessary to use coloring agents that are used in the basic processing of the strands.
Most often it is dark shades with a reflection of silver and a deep gray tint. It is important to select a qualified master.
Features of staining
It's not easy to get a natural mouse.hair color. How to achieve this effect? This is probably a popular question now among the representatives of the female half of humanity. After all, this tone has been at the peak of popularity for several years. The result of coloring largely depends on the base color of the strands.
If previously curls were painted, it is necessaryto wash colors: red shades are washed away in 3 procedures, and black ones - in a larger amount. A difficult process is the quenching of warm photopigmentation.
Ordinary paints cannot cope with this task.with shades of mouse. They consist of pigments that are able to paint over only initially light strands. But the neutralization of warm pigments they can not afford.
Therefore, to achieve the desired result, mikston is used - a special means for quenching pigments.
How to revive the mouse color?
The gray shade is rather faded, thereforeit is desirable to dilute it a little by highlighting, coloring or ombra. This will give the strands an unusual overflow, and the face will only look younger. Unusually looks like this combination on thin strands.
Also, do not be afraid of cold lightshades that can well dilute the gray-blond. For example, coloring in the style of "silver fox" looks spectacular in women who have stepped over forty years of age. In addition, the mouse hair color perfectly hide gray hair, and the silver ebb adds to the image of refinement.
Young ladies like avant-garde ombre, which consists of, for example, a mouse color and an unusual violet hue. The most successful in this color combination haircut "square".
Care for dyed hair
Of course, dyed hair needsspecial daily care and it is not surprising. Dyed locks are a separate type of hair, also curly, curly or dry. If mouse shades were achieved by bleaching curls, then they can be restored with the help of keratin or moisturizing masks.
In general, it is now fashionable to restore strands withusing keratin. And such masks are very effective after staining or bleaching curls. With dryness, it is difficult to fully revive them, but, of course, it is possible to rehabilitate them. To do this, use shampoos and masks with a high content of keratin.
Women resort to help staining for differentreasons: someone is dissatisfied with his natural natural color, and someone wants to add originality to the image and style, reincarnate, upgrade. And nothing changes the appearance of women so much as changing hair color. The right shade makes the image bright, attractive and unforgettable.