/ / Mouse peas - all advantages and disadvantages

Mouse peas - all the advantages and disadvantages

Mouse peas - a perennial plant, ithas a highly developed rhizome, the central root can penetrate the earth to a depth of 2 m, and the entire main root system is located at a depth of 15 centimeters. Mouse peas have thin stems that are attached to adjacent objects or plants with antennae, they can reach a length of 2.5 meters. Fruits are mouse peas in the form of beans, which reach up to 3 cm in length and up to 0.5 cm in thickness. Seeds of dark color have a spherical shape.

Наиболее распространен многолетний горошек в Asia, Europe and North Africa, it was also introduced to North America, where it acclimatized well. The main habitats are meadows and glades, also found on the edges and among bushes, in the mountains it can grow at altitudes up to 3000 meters above sea level.

Если почвы богатые, то мышиный горошек it develops very well and may even dominate over the other plants, and, on the contrary, it develops poorly on poor soils and is often oppressed by neighboring plants. This plant tolerates excess and lack of moisture, and can also safely survive flooding for a long period, up to two months.

A mouse hyacinth can breed as a seed,and vegetative ways. Flowering begins only in the 4th – 5th year of life, and at industrial breeding it can begin in the 2–3th year. Flowering occurs from May, lasts until the end of summer. Pollination is carried out by insects. Reproduction by seeds is not very productive, as they are tied up with a small amount, of the order of 5-15%, therefore mainly reproduction occurs by vegetative means, in which a very developed rhizome plays the main role.

Mouse peas are good feedAs a plant, almost all herbivores eat it well. It also has high nutritional qualities, as it contains about 30% of protein, as well as a high content of vitamin C. After mowing, it grows together quickly and easily. Also, this plant is an excellent honey plant.

The chemical composition of this plant todayThe day has not been fully studied and it is practically not used in scientific medicine. But some observations show that poultices made from the use of this plant, well help with the resorption and softening of benign tumors. They also help in the treatment of swollen lymph nodes. Mouth paprika paprika is effective in treating inflamed hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse. Infusions and decoctions of herbs are used during the treatment of viral hepatitis, and also used as a diuretic for ascites.

For the treatment of viral hepatitis take 1 teaspoonful of dried roots of mouse peas and pour it with a glass of water, after which the mixture is brought to a boil, which is carried out for 5 minutes. Infusion takes about 2 hours and is taken in a quarter cup three times a day.

In the treatment of various edemas and ascites take 2tablespoons of herbs and pour water in the amount of one cup, then boil for 5-6 minutes. Take the resulting broth from one to three times throughout the day.

When treating cough or bleeding 3 scoopsThe dried mouse peas are poured with two glasses of water, after which they draw for about 2 hours. Take the resulting liquid three times a day for half a cup. Also indicated infusion is used as an external agent that helps in healing wounds.

Contraindications for the use of mousepeas are any violations of salt metabolism, as well as dehydration, which may occur due to diarrhea or dysentery. Also drugs containing this plant are contraindicated in obesity and atherosclerosis.