/ / Mocha - royal color of dark coffee

Color mocha - royal color of dark coffee

Dark hair color in women is not for nothing longattracted attention - noticeable from a distance, it attracts and attracts, like a magnet. Dark, smooth, like silk or luxuriously curly hair of the color of dark coffee or chocolate - an inexplicable force that I want to pat or at least touch it. Feel warm, feel their energy.

The color of mocha is the color of dark passion, unbridleddesires hidden under the guise of decency. Women with mocha hair always know what they want from the world. Moreover, they get everything they want. Luxurious, heavy hair, shiny and iridescent, like a drop of precious oriental coffee in the sun - the color of mocha is invariably attractive. It would be wrong to say about it - just the color of chocolate. It can be saturated, matte, as if wrapped in caramel foam, or on the contrary, smooth and deep, heavy, like a heap of expensive shiny brocade carelessly thrown from the royal throne. Not without reason, even the notorious blondes, wishing from time to time changes, paint their hair in the color of mocha.
mocha hair color

It is by no means unambiguous, and does not look the sameon different women. The color of mocha is a complex shade of coffee, chocolate, with the addition of burnt sugar or a drop of cream. He can cast and reddish - slightly, slightly, like a sunny bunny tangled in a coffee cup full of heavy heavy drink. The color of mocha hair is suitable for almost everyone. The young ladies with a light, porcelain complexion and a cap of mocha hair will look mysterious and attractive with their exquisite pallor. Ladies with warm swarthy skin and mocha hair with a drop of cream are incredibly natural and natural. The color of mocha is close to the chestnut color, however, it does not have so much brazen red patina, it is delicate and strict. And what is noteworthy, the hair dye mocha color perfectly lays on any original natural color.

hair color mocha
It is respectable and expensive.A business woman or a luxurious beauty on a party - the color of mocha always looks dignified and representative. Chocolate mocha is the darkest shade of the entire palette of this paint. At very dark-skinned women using this shade, there is a fear that they will merge with the color of the hair. However, chocolate mocha looks extremely advantageous on girls with caramel, warm skin tone, brown or green eyes. Without a milky note on young ladies with blue eyes, it will create an incredible effect: a contrasting combination of dark hair and light blue eyes captivates at first sight. Also beautiful is the color of mocha on girls with violet eyes. It should not be forgotten that the dark color of hair excellently hides the pigmented skin - whereas when staining with light colors, all specks of pigmentation will be extremely noticeable on the girl's face. With each washing of the head, the hair color will become less spectacular - this is understandable: the dark pigment will stay for a long time only on previously discolored hair or on those that are chemically curled.

To maintain the effect of shiny dark hairwill have to be washed regularly with toning shampoos, however, what can be more effective than the luxurious mane of thick, shiny dark hair of golden or chocolate mocha color scattered over the shoulders?