/ / Velcro curlers for hair: features, types, rules of use and recommendations

Hair curlers for hair: features, types, rules of use and recommendations

Luxury styling is performed by variousdevices. One of them is the Velcro curlers. Compared with curling or ironing, they do not overdry the curls, and with their help you get the original wind the hair.

Features & Benefits

Velcro curlers are also called hedgehogs.This is an excellent tool for styling and drying. Previously, they were in demand among the masters of the hair-industry, but soon became known outside of beauty salons, because ladies appreciated their properties:

  1. Hedgehogs do not require additional locks, for example, rubber bands or clamps. Their surface is sticky, therefore, due to the presence of small hooks on it, the curls do not unwind.
  2. Devices are easy to use, you can wind them without a mirror.
  3. For a short period, the hairstyle becomes voluminous and fluffy. It takes 10-15 minutes and everything is ready. Curlers can be used instead of a hair dryer: curls wound on them, dry quickly.
  4. Ladies who have curls from nature, will be happy that the Velcro straighten curls.
  5. Fans of variety can choose several sets of curlers of different sizes. Then you can make the volume at the roots, large and small curls.
Velcro curlers

Many ladies appreciate the advantages of velcro curlers. Only often you should not use them anyway, because then there is a risk of damaging the curls.


Velcro curlers have limitations on use:

  1. They are not intended for laying long curls. This is due to the fact that they are very confused, so it will not be so easy to remove them.
  2. Hedgehogs are not quite suitable for thick, heavy strands. They are not able to “lift” them, so the procedure will not bring results.
  3. You should not sleep with them. Since they do not have additional clamps, they can unwind, and therefore will not be able to perform the desired styling.


Velcro curlers come in several forms:

  1. Cylinders. Have a surface with small hooks. They can be of different colors and sizes.
  2. There are "hedgehogs" with foam inside.They are also called night curlers. Although it is not recommended to sleep with them, you can still lie down for a bit. Foam rubber protects against deformation of products and allows you to fix the shape.
  3. There are Velcro with clips. They are needed to wrap heavy hair. With the clamps, the curlers are held onto the hair, which allows you to get the desired result
Velcro curlers how to use


When choosing curlers, you should determine exactly what hairstyles with them will be performed. Depending on this diameter devices may vary:

  1. 13 mm. Used to create naughty curls. With them, you can wind the individual strands released from the hair and framing the face.
  2. 20, 25, 28 mm. Such devices are suitable for lovers in the style of the 90s. It turns out to curl and tips.
  3. 36-70 mm. Such curlers are used to obtain the volume of the roots. They are used for laying bangs.
how to twist hair on curlers stickies

Terms of use

Как пользоваться бигуди на липучках?Waving is performed in the prescribed sequence. Many do not know what hair will wind - wet or dry? There is no difference. By following the instructions below, you can make a haircut with any hair:

  1. Curls are treated with fixing agent. This will keep the effect.
  2. Strands must be twisted, moving upwards. They should be separated with a fine comb. You should start from the top of your head, and then go to the back of your head and the side.
  3. To get small curls, you should choose the smallest diameter curlers and try to perform strands thinner.
  4. To get the waves, not curls, then the strands must be large, and the diameter of the curler is not less than 20 mm.

How to use Velcro curlers may depend on their length. It is important to do the work carefully so that you get a great result.

Short hair

Velcro curlers for short hair areirreplaceable. Due to the short length of the strands, winding is quick and easy. Adaptations perfectly keep on hair without additional fixing.

how to curler sticky

The waiting time is reduced by several times, as short hair dries faster and takes on the necessary shape. And thanks to the styling product, the hairstyle is maintained for a long time.

Long hair

On such curls wind long curls withthe use of "hedgehogs" is undesirable and unsafe. But still you can perform hair, given some limitations. It should not be twisted strand all the way to the roots, it should be done to the middle and each “hedgehog” should be fixed with a clip or large curlers should be used for styling and structuring the strands in the face.

On medium hair

This is the most suitable length for getting a hairstyle.with adhesive tape. You can buy several sets of different diameters and perform various styling daily. For example, you can twist the tips of the strands. This is especially true for those cases who chose a “square leg” haircut or an elongated look. Original styling with curls of various sizes.

curlers velcro reviews

Как накрутить волосы на бигуди-липучки?To get the desired effect, you should twist the curls, dividing into symmetrical strands. They should be left for 5 hours. Nowadays, wave spinning is popular only in the upper part, and at the bottom the strands remain straight.

Volume creation

How to make voluminous Velcro curlershairstyles? It is desirable to carry out laying on clean hair, and they can be not freshly washed. It is necessary to treat hair means for volume. Do not apply too much so that there is no gluing hair. Spinning should be wound movement upwards from the sides to the center of the head.

Hedgehogs should not be less than 50 mm in diameter.You need to hold the curlers on the hair for about 10 minutes, and then process them with warm air from the hair dryer. Then wait 10 minutes and remove the velcro. Hair is ready.

Taking off

Remove curlers need gradual unwinding,but not constricting. Then you need to comb the curls with a comb with occasional teeth and separate with your hands. After formation, the hair is fixed with varnish. The result is a great stylish styling.

Curls in trend

According to reviews, Velcro curlers allow you to createHollywood curls. To perform this installation you need to take the styling tool, a comb and hair curlers 40-50 mm. Then you need to do the work on the following instructions:

  1. You should wash your hair and dry the curls so that they stay a little wet. Then the laying agent is applied.
  2. Comb it is necessary to divide the hair into strands and twist them into curlers.
  3. We must wait until the hair dries out, and detect 2 hours. During this time, you can do household chores.
  4. Then you need to dry hair strands to enhance the effect.
  5. You can shoot curlers. Combing strands should not be. You should get beautiful, wavy curls.
  6. Laying need to handle varnish. You can adjust by hand.
short hair velcro curlers

If the velcro is properly used, then theyharmless to hair. But keep in mind the restrictions on the use of long, thin and weak curls. Do not use them every day. Although they are not as harmful as styling products, you should still give rest to the strands.

Special storage conditions for curlers are not needed.It is necessary only to remove the stuck hairs from them, wash and dry. It is not advisable to store fixtures in a plastic bag, especially after poor drying.

Using any means to create hairstyles,should be aware of care. Healthy and beautiful hair will be only when the useful, restoring procedures are carried out. Only then the Velcro curlers will not harm the strands, and the styling will look irresistible.