/ / Smooth bangs: features, methods of haircuts and recommendations

Smooth bangs: features, methods of haircuts and recommendations

Smooth fringe is always in fashion, but it is not, unfortunately, suitable for everyone. It depends on the shape of the face, the type of hair and the hairstyle itself.

flat bangs

В выборе стрижки необходимо проявлять особую caution, because the whole image depends on it. Trendy hairstyle will be hard to change, because this is not an element of clothing. A correct styling with bangs will help not only improve the appearance, but also hide the flaws in the shape of the face.

Who does not fit even bangs

Before proceeding to the methods of cutting and recommendations, it is necessary to understand this question:

  • Women with a triangular and square type of face, it does not fit. If it is still used, its tips should be slightly torn.
  • Thin hair that does not have a volume will not work, as they will not keep the desired shape.

Due to the fact that a straight fringe emphasizes facial features, having a nose of irregular shape and a rough, square chin, it is worth to abandon it.

Whom she fits perfectly

The advantage of such a bang is that it is able to concentrate eyes on the eyes, as, as you know, it is advantageous to emphasize the look of a woman.

  • The possessor of the face is round or oval in shape.
  • The diamond shape also supports this bang, but it must go from the top of the head and cover the eyebrow line. The same rule applies to the oval.

Not only the bangs, but also the hairstyle should approach to type of the person and hair that the image was completely complete.

bangs straight

With what haircut is it harmonized?

Traditionally, it appears in tandem with the classic quads, but also looks great with hairstyles bob, page and sessun. Haircuts with an even bang are quite diverse.

For women with thick hair

  • It can be even, with tips, slightly profiled.
  • It will be interesting to look layers - the upper is longer than the bottom one.
  • In a beautiful tandem will perform curls with a smooth bangs.
  • Against the background of a stylish hairstyle, an elongated bang with several shades will look good.
  • As an option, you can leave in the classic form.

Stylists like to work with a straight bang - this gives an unlimited flight of fantasy in creating fashionable images.

Haircuts with ultrashort smooth bangs

This is a bold decision. Because a short smooth bang makes the image of a woman fatal and unchained. As a rule, it passes much higher than the eyebrows.

how to cut a straight bang

Long curls and a short bangs are a classic.This tandem is suitable for women with a round type of face, with a narrow forehead. The hairstyle skillfully extends the circle and makes the silhouette soft. A perfect addition will be a bright make-up.

Короткая ровная челка на любую длину волос assumes a special care. Stacking should be ideal, so that not a single hair is knocked out. Curly by nature, curls will complicate the process of laying, since everyday hair alignment is required.

It also has a perfect combination with quads. In general, a short bangs for women with a small face, thereby visually increasing it.

It's not always possible to go to the hairdresser because of time constraints. A bang can be made independently.

General recommendations for haircuts

  1. To shorten a bang is better on dry hair because wet after drying have property to rise.
  2. Speeding the process will help aligning strands with ironing.
  3. Be sure to separate the bangs from the rest of the hair.
  4. After determining the desired length, it is necessary to add another fifteen millimeters down, so that when shearing and leveling, there is an additional stock.
  5. A bang can be given a texture, walking along it with vertically arranged scissors.
  6. And it is necessary to make a control check after washing your hair.

Now we'll figure out how to cut your hair straight. It is not hard. Scissors will be needed, even if they are not too expensive or professional, but they are not the ones that cut paper, as well as a mirror.

haircuts with even bangs

How to cut your bangs yourself

  1. First you need to select the part of the hair on the fringe.Before that, you need to wash your hair. To determine the proportion for bangs can be: parting in the form of a triangle, the letter "p", along the line of the edge of hair growth. In the case when the bang is determined by the first method, the tip of the triangle can get to the top of the head itself. And the further it goes away, the thicker the bangs will become.
  2. The width is determined by the length of the forehead. Bangs should not go beyond the borders of the temporal hollows. The size of the bangs is chosen independently.
  3. To the rest of the hair did not interfere, they need to be collected in the tail.
  4. The part reserved for the haircut must be combed onto the face and then divided into three lobes.
  5. Then the first strand (preferably the middle one - for a reference point) needs to be clamped with two fingers and pulled down.
  6. Scissors need to work at an angle of forty-fivedegrees Cut the tips must be fine teeth. If you hold the tool at a right angle, the cutting line will be uneven due to the sliding of the blades.
  7. We are also working on the remaining two strands.
  8. Then, combing the bang of a rare comb, you need to make adjustments.
  9. Next, you need to soak it, press it to your forehead and also correct the shortcomings, then dry it and look at the result. If necessary, correct it again.

short straight bangs

It's easy, the main thing is not to panic, butperform all actions sequentially, without haste. Do not forget that wet bangs after drying will be shorter. And when you make an independent haircut, hairs tend to get in your eyes. Care must be taken.

The bang is straight, the line harmonizes well withtail-gathered hair. It can also be a braid that will support the romantic image of a girl. Whatever hairstyle you choose, the main thing is that a smooth bang be perfect.

Straight bangs, unfortunately, do not always turn out smooth, for a number of reasons.

How to make a smooth bang

To cut it properly, you need to follow a few more rules:

  1. It is necessary in the process of all work to keep your head straight, in any case, not shifting it to the side.
  2. Before starting a haircut, you need to see if there are uneven areas on the hair, natural curls. In the place where they are present, it is necessary to leave a great length of hair.
  3. Bang should be made longer than desired, and always adjust on dry hair.

how to make a smooth bang

How to make an absolutely smooth bang: some secrets and nuances

  1. Achieve a straight line. Such bangs are quite simple in styling: it is enough to wet them a little and use styling with a round brush and a hairdryer.
  2. Multilayer bangs. This technique will add extra volume and eliminate excess density.
  3. Iron - an excellent tool for straightening strands.
  4. After styling, you must fix the hair with lacquer.

You can also before laying the bangs treat with a balm for straightening or gel, then comb and dry with a hairdryer.

It doesn't matter what kind of bangs you have: straight, short or long, which, by the way, is also at the peak of popularity - the main thing is that it should always be well-groomed.