/ How to dye the eye correctly?

How to dye the eye correctly?

How to paint the eye.
Mascara is an indispensable cosmeticto create an image of a woman. If you can sometimes give up shadows or eyeliner, then it is not there. It is the mascara that makes the eyes more expressive and focuses on them. How to use it, girls already know from school, but does everyone do it right? In this article we will talk about how to dye mascara, and share some secrets that will make your cilia irresistible. Also consider how to highlight the look with the help of black shadows.

How to paint the eye. Step 1

Applying shadows and eyeliner. First you need to decide what makeup you areWere going to do - evening or afternoon. Their difference lies in the following: for the first variant you can use bright colors, many black shades, and for the second one you can use natural colors and a minimum of cosmetics. So, first apply the shadows. If you decide to use several colors at the same time, then remember that the space around the inner corner of the eyes should be painted with light shadows, and the closer you move to the outer, the darker you can use the shades. If we are talking about a particular shade, then it can be applied on all eyelids. The space at the eyebrows in order to emphasize the expressiveness of the look, you can lighten up a little (for this white or solid shadows fit). Next, we apply the eyeliner or emphasize the line of growth of the cilia using a pencil. The color is more reasonable to use a suitable make-up. Black is considered classic, and it can be used in any situation. The line should pass strictly next to the cilia.

How to paint the eye. Step 2

Application of carcasses. After you put the shadows and made the eyeliner, it's about time.

how to dye mascara
to work on the painting of eyelashes.To do this, we take the brush horizontally and begin to apply mascara to the cilia using combing movements. First, paint the upper row, and then go to the bottom (if you prefer, on the contrary - please). Particular attention should be paid to the longest cilia, located in the corners of the eye. Stain them carefully, first wide-open eyes.

How to paint the eye. Step 3

After applying one layer of mascara, pause.As soon as it dries, you can proceed to the second layer (if, of course, you need it). If after it your cilia are stuck together, then use the comb and separate them.

TOhow to paint eyes. Little tricks

  • When purchasing carcasses, pay attention to her brush: if she is fluffy
    How to paint your eyes with black shadows
    and more - then with her help you will be able to doCilia are more lush and bulky, if silicone - then your eyelashes will not stick together and visually increase. In its arsenal called "kosmetichka" it is better to keep two different options.
  • If you want to make up eyelashes, but do itso that they looked natural and natural, then you can try the following method: we bring the brush to the eye and begin to clap the cilia intensively. Thus, the paint will lie on them evenly.

How to paint eyes black shadows?

Black color, especially in makeup, always highlightsskin imperfections. Therefore, before you start painting the eyelids, apply a face cream and powder on your face. Next, in black pencil draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes and only then proceed to apply black shadows. Using a brush, we paint the substance on the eyelid: the closer to the outer corner of the eye - the thicker the layer. After that, shadows are shaded and dyed cilia in several layers of black mascara.