/ how to properly paint lips

how to properly paint your lips

Губная помада уже давно стала неизменным attribute of every woman. With its help you can not only emphasize your sexuality, but also give your lips more volume and expressiveness. Know how to properly paint lips, it is necessary for every woman, regardless of her age and social status.

But the beauty of lips is not the only goallipstick. Lips have increased sensitivity to changes in the environment, the slightest drop in temperature can lead to not very good consequences: they become dry, crack, and even bleed in some cases. Lipstick also helps the lips not to lose their moisture, guarantees the timely protection of sensitive lips, while moisturizing, nourishing and making the stay in the fresh air the most comfortable.

Every woman should know how tomake up your lips. But experienced makeup artists believe that making up the lips is much harder than the eyes. This is due to the fact that when applying eye makeup we use small blurriness and the so-called "smoke effect". Lips also require clarity for themselves, otherwise all efforts will be wasted, and the mouth will look very sloppy.

So, what is necessary to ensure that your lipsbegan to attract the attention of men, what methods of make-up should be used to remain sweet and sexy, and at the same time interesting enough woman? Let's start. At the very beginning, we will try to recreate the make-up of the lips step-by-step, but note its important features.


Для начала нужно подготовить поверхность губ для further makeup, because before you correctly dye your lips, the skin needs to be carefully prepared. It should be remembered that in order for your lips to look beautiful, effective and attractive, the first thing you need to do is apply lip balm to their surface. Also for strongly flaky lips, you can use a special mask that not only makes the surface smooth and soft, but can also cure it. Remember that if you apply lipstick on cracked lips, it will only emphasize all the shortcomings, which, in principle, can be corrected, in contrast to the shortcomings.

After using the balm we moistenedskin on the lips, they can be applied a little tonal remedy, which we spread on the face. After this procedure, the lips are ready to put on them decorative cosmetics.

Lip pencil

Every woman knows how to uselip pencil. With its help, we create the base that is so necessary for applying lipstick. How to properly lead the lips, adjusting their shape, we'll try to figure it out.

Так, если ваши губы слишком тонкие, то для их the visual increase should be light tone to draw a thin line just above the natural border of the lips and shade its movements inside. In this case, it should be remembered that for thin lips lipstick of bright colors does not suit, in such cases it is better to choose either lip gloss or to prefer light pomade.

Если у вас пухлые губы, то уменьшить их можно After a tonal tool to cover the outer contour. In such cases, you need to choose a pencil of very dark shades and with it to adjust the shape of the lips. Next is shading, just like in the previous case. This time, matte lipstick and lipstick, which has a rich shade, will do.

To make your mouth look a little smaller, do notYou need to draw a pencil around the corners of your lips, and apply a certain shine to your lips. And, conversely, in order to make the mouth visually large, you need to draw the corners of the mouth with a contour pencil. Lipstick is applied to the entire space, which is located inside the contour.

Even if one of the lips is somewhat fuller, thisto fix very simply with the help of all the same pencil for lips. For this, after the two pencils are drawn with a pencil, the more complete of them should be made up with a lipstick of dark color.


Here we finally got to the lipstick toLearn how to properly paint your lips with it. Apply lipstick to get a professional result, recommended by a special brush. It is very good that with its help lipstick is applied very carefully (a special role is played when the lipstick of bright colors is applied). It is very convenient also for her to mix several colors in order to get a unique result that is not similar to anything.

Lipstick should be applied in several layers.First we paint, then we take a napkin and promakivaem her lips. Then make another layer of lipstick. Not bad helps to consolidate the result of the ice cube, which is necessary after the performed cosmetic procedures to hold on the lips.

Be sure to remember that lipsticks are not onlyshades are different, but the textures are different from each other. It is better to use matte colors for daytime makeup. The same lipsticks are used to emphasize the business style. Pearlescent gamma will favorably emphasize your image in the evening, while the lipstick shade can be used as brightly as possible, which is completely unacceptable with daytime make-up.

How to properly paint your lips and what shadeschoose, you can learn from the make-up professional, and then apply it in practice. He will tell you that the main secret of any make-up is properly placed accents. So, for example, if you decide to separate your eyes, then the lips should be less noticeable and vice versa, if your lips are a bright and intriguing spot on the face, eye makeup should be very mild. Therefore, properly accent your image and you will definitely be in the center of attention of any company.