Beautifully to allocate green-gray eyes it is possible, using different colors and applying several techniques of drawing of a make-up. Let's pay attention to the most suitable color solutions for such eyes.
Green-gray eyes do not have one brightpronounced shade, by definition it becomes clear that the green and gray colors are ideal for creating makeup. However, using them, it is necessary to remember that the brighter the shadow, the less noticeable is the similar color in the eyes. That is, if, for example, gray is used, the eyes will visually become greener. The same effect can be expected when using eyeliner or pencil on the lower eyelid.
Perfectly highlight and emphasize green-grayeyes can be used using the shades of the following shades: golden, bronze, peach, olive, emerald, and also cold pink colors. However, when choosing the appropriate option from the list given, it should be taken into account that the shade should also be combined with the color of the skin and hair. Colors that look profitable on brunettes may not be suitable for blondes.
That is why, before you go out with a new makeup, you need to experiment with a combination of shades. So to say, arrange a color test.

It is not recommended to use for gray-greeneye blue and pink color schemes. Firstly, these shades are not combined with the color of the eyes, and secondly, they muffle and weaken it, drawing attention to itself. The exception is the cold pink shades (this was written above), they should be used very carefully, without preliminary experiments at home again not do.
Smoke make-up
It is impossible not to mention the now popular smokemake-up. Select with his help green-gray eyes are not only possible, but even necessary. Especially when it comes to visiting any celebration or event.
When creating a smoky make-up shade forgray-green eyes are best to choose a saturated silvery. Stronger to emphasize the green tint of the eyes will help lilac-purple scale. Of course, evening make-up can mean the use of several colors, but when applying them, you must always follow a good shading, that is, the transition from one color to another should be smooth, otherwise beautiful makeup will not be created.
And, of course, we must not forget about eyeliner.In the event that the iris has a bright hue, the best color is black. For other cases, you should advise using a pencil or eyeliner of the shade, which will correspond with the color range of shadows.
Do not forget about eyelashes
Вопрос о том, как красить серо-зеленые глаза, almost uncovered, there is still one very important point - eyelashes. Owners of gray-green eyes should pay special attention to them. To achieve the desired effect, the eyelashes should be well distinguished. For example, for daytime make-up you can choose a gray color, but it should stand out against the background of shadows. And the evening image can not do without a black carcass. However, if you used a golden-bronze scale, you can make up eyelashes and a rich brown color.