Hair coloring is very serious andresponsible business, because the result depends on the appearance and mood of a woman (and many know that the lady in anger - it's scary). There are some limitations and contraindications, which can lead to the fact that the result will be far from expected. And can I dye my hair during menstruation?
Hormonal background of a woman and menstruation
Before you learn about whether it is possible duringmonthly dye your hair, it is worth explaining what menstruation is in principle. During this period, the unfertilized ovum, which was preparing for conception, perishes and goes out together with menstrual blood. And this phenomenon is accompanied by very serious hormonal changes. In general, the hormonal background varies in women during pregnancy, lactation and during menstruation. And such changes affect almost all systems of the body, including hair, and skin, and nails and stuff. That's why with the coloring of the head of hear it's worthwhile to wait. Although many hairdressers believe that it is possible to dye your hair during the period, and remain at the same time content color. In general, everything is purely individual.
Possible consequences of hair dyeing during menstruation
So, as it became clear, to the question,whether it is possible to dye the hair during menstruation, it is impossible to give an accurate and reliable answer, since everything depends on the characteristics of the organism. But if hormones literally "go crazy" at this time, then there may be some undesirable consequences. Here are the most common ones:

2. If it is interesting, how safe it is during the month to dye your hair, then it's worth it to be ready for the hair to fall out. There are cases when bald spots appeared after staining.
3. Hair can change its structure: become brittle, unruly, thin, dry or, on the contrary, fat.
4. The paint can simply "not lie down", that is, the strands will not change color after the procedure.

How to be?
Those girls who are interested in whether it is possible during the month to dye their hair, probably want to know how best to do in this case. Below are some useful tips.
- Do not dye your hair in the first 1-3 days of menstruation, since the risk of unwanted consequences at this stage is increasing;
- it is better not to carry out experiments and do not change color drastically;
- You can use paints on a natural basis (henna);
- the paint should be high-quality, and the hairdresser - experienced;
- it is worth trying out the paint on one small strand of hair before full painting;

In conclusion, it only remains to add that it is better not toto risk. After all, if you postpone the painting procedure for a few days, then most likely, nothing will change from this. But you can be sure that the hair will not fall out, the chosen color will appear correctly, and the question of whether it is possible during the month to dye your hair, will disappear by itself.