/ / Computer components: description and advice on choosing

Computer accessories: description and advice on choice

The main requirement in the development of PC wasthe creation of block architecture, so that in case of damage it was necessary to repair not the entire system, but individual elements. Modern computer is built just in this way. On the basic elements of the PC and assembly tips, read the article.

Computer components

The motherboard is a single element that is responsible for the interaction of all other devices. On it are all the seats (sockets, connectors, slots).

computer components

The central processor is a set of control circuits located on a chip. It is the brain of a computer, primarily designed to perform mathematical operations.

Describing the main components of the computer,you can not ignore the memory. RAM is a device that functions as a short-term memory. All necessary for programs and OS data is stored in it, when power is turned off, it is erased.

Hard disk - a device necessary for long-term data storage.

A video card is an element of a computer that is responsible for outputting and processing graphic information on a monitor.

People who at least superficially studied the marketcomputers, they understand that buying a ready-made PC is not rational, as it is much cheaper to assemble a computer from the components itself. In this case, you can be confident in the quality of the assembly.


Очень часто неопытные пользователи допускают gross errors that lead to waste of money. For example, before buying a motherboard, you need to check which type of processor can be installed in it. With the following tips, inexperienced users should be familiar.

how to assemble the computer itself from the components

Make sure that all components are matched.computer compatible. Examine all possible technical information. First, determine which processor is needed in the PC, then select the motherboard. Be sure to check that the socket of the motherboard is suitable for the processor. This is very easy to do by checking the specifications on the official websites of device manufacturers. In addition to component parameters, you can find entire compatibility tables on such resources.

When the processor and motherboard are selected, proceed with the selection of other devices. The order of choice of RAM and video card does not matter.

Today, the market presents a memorygenerations, with the motherboard usually supporting only one type. To decide on what characteristics to choose the RAM, you must build on the parameters of the motherboard and processor. First determine which generation is supported by the system card. Then find out if the processor can keep the RAM running at maximum frequency. At the last stage, select the required amount of memory. If you choose components for a gaming computer, then it is better to install RAM strips with a larger capacity, since modern 3D applications are very demanding on PC resources.

Before choosing a video card, you need to determine what the PC will be used for. If the game assembly, then the video card and you need to choose the most productive.

Power supply - an element that has little effect onperformance, but still requires careful selection. The practice of service centers has repeatedly shown that the components of a computer assembled independently, in which they saved on the power supply, often fail because of the poor quality of this element. Do not save on BP. It is better to purchase a product of greater power than necessary. In addition, it is recommended to choose the device of famous manufacturers.

How to assemble the computer itself from the components

After purchasing all the elements of the PC, the procedure followsassembly. Even inexperienced users rarely have problems at this stage. Usually, the motherboard is accompanied by detailed instructions containing pictures that can be used to understand exactly how to assemble.

components for gaming computer

It is important to ensure that the processor keys (special slots) match the slots on the motherboard socket. Error at this stage can lead to physical damage to components.

Items such as a video adapter and RAM require some power to install into slots. But you need to be careful not to overdo it so as not to bend the motherboard too much.

The difficulty of assembling a gaming PC

compatibility of computer components

При сборке ПК для игр совместимость комплектующих The computer should be viewed from a different angle. In addition to supporting the motherboard all the necessary standards, it is necessary to solve the issue of maximum performance. And this is impossible without a long study of the forums and comparison of the results of tests of different sets of devices installed on the same base. A computer for games will require large financial investments than an office machine.