What is a post-card?

Post-card is a diagnostic board with a digitalpanel. The indicators display the error codes of the motherboard, due to which the specialist can determine in which node of the personal computer the malfunction is. Depending on the type of BIOS chip, the codes may vary. If no faults are detected during the diagnostics process, the Post-card displays the message "FF" on the indicator (it may differ, depending on the BIOS type). This value remains unchanged in the course of further work of the personal computer.

post card

Post-cards have many varieties.For example, the Post CodeDual card has a two-sided display, which greatly increases the convenience of reading information. All types of devices have LED indication, which shows the presence in the computer of voltages +3.3, +5, -12, +12 volts, as well as the signal LED Reset. Post-card for connection has different connectors - PCI, ISA, LPT, miniPC and others.

Let's see, but are thesedevices are so necessary, in which specific cases they can benefit. Very often when building a new computer, there are freelance situations. So, for example, by including it in a network, you find a black screen with no signs of life. In such cases, you have to pull all the connectors, rearrange the jumper on the motherboard and so on and so forth. It is not easy for engineers of service centers in case of operational trips, when it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause of the malfunction in a short time. Very often the latter has to take away the system unit with him for troubleshooting in the workshop.

post card
So anyone who is engaged in repair orassembly of computer equipment, Post-card will be an indispensable assistant, the more the price of this device is low. Ordinary users of personal computers can also purchase such a device, because our people always try to eliminate any malfunction on their own and only in extreme cases resort to the help of specialists. Thanks to the "poke" method, most of the computer malfunctions are eliminated. But this method is good if you have several similar system blocks at your fingertips. In this case, you can take the boards from the working unit and replace one with a faulty one until the last one is working. but
post card
If you do not have spare parts, then thesearch for friends, or on the advice of familiar "experts" have to buy those or other blocks. Thus, the post-card would help to avoid unnecessary waste, because computer components cost quite a lot of money, and the search and purchase of the latter takes a lot of time.

Post-maps are easy to operate, in how theyuse, can independently understand each person. These devices do not require a monitor for their work, they allow testing the personal computer at an early stage when sound diagnostics are not available, and visual indication is much more convenient than the need to count the number and duration of the computer's beeps. Post-card also allows you to carry out diagnostics and peripheral systems.