/ / Hookah "Pharaoh" - the highest level of performance

Hookah "Pharaoh" - the highest level of performance

Nowadays, more and more people all over the worldprefer ordinary hookah cigarettes. They are served at friends' and coffee shops, enjoying well-deserved love for non-smokers and few people who consume alcohol. Among the variety of hookahs, the hookah "Pharaoh" is very popular. Let's see why?

Hookah Pharaoh

Eastern traditions

The native land of hookahs "Pharaoh" are UnitedUnited Arab Emirates. The Arabs, as is well known, are connoisseurs of the hookah business, so it's simply impossible not to trust their choice. This brand is popular all over the world, it combines the best oriental traditions that have been gathering for centuries.

Initially, the hookah "Pharaoh" something like the brand Mya and "Ager". But over time, manufacturers added individual notes to their hookahs, making their design unique and unrepeatable.

Distinctive features

The company's products are considered more reliable, durable and durable than their counterparts. Hookah "Pharaoh" is made of high quality materials. The hookah mine is strong and will last for many years.

Easy smoke retraction is provided byextended inner tube. If you prefer easy smoking, then this, uniquely, should be a hookah "Pharaoh". Reviews say that the pleasure is added by the refined appearance of the hookahs of this company. Many models are decorated with Syrian and Arab paintings.

The big plus of hookahs of this company is consideredAffordable price, combined with high quality. Today you can buy a hookah "Pharaoh" for 2500 - 4000 rubles. This price attracts ordinary lovers of hookahs, as well as professionals who know a lot about this business.

Hookah Pharaoh Reviews

Customer Reviews

Hookahs "Pharaoh" are estimated by buyersrather high. Many say that the hookahs of this company liked the fact that in the complex there is a carrying bag. This is very convenient when you go on vacation and want to pamper your friends in the evening with a delicious hookah. The bulb and accessories are made very high quality, which can not but rejoice. Yes, and the purchase price is available for everyone.

Ladies usually get hookahs for their second half. They say that the impression of the presentation is extremely positive. Birthday will like the quality, design and design, and accessories.

Lovers of hookah very often want to buyown hookah. You can take it with you to the dacha for a pleasant evening with your friends for a leisurely conversation. Buying an own hookah, you save a lot on visiting specialized cafes. It is convenient and economical.