Information process

An important condition for the life of all organismsis the information process, which consists in obtaining and transforming information. Even single-celled organisms perceive information and constantly use it. This is information about the temperature and composition of the environment in order to choose the most favorable conditions of existence. Creatures of living nature are able not only to interact with the environment, but also to exchange information among themselves.

The information process for a person is alsois accompanied by the perception of information by the senses, and the language is used to exchange information. Human society has existed for a very long time, therefore, many such languages ​​arose for communication. First of all, it is the mother tongue and the common languages ​​of the peoples of the world. For mankind, the role of language is exceptionally great. In his absence, without the exchange of information, it would be impossible to progress society.

Информационный процесс характерен не только для man, society and wildlife. Mankind invented technical devices - automata, in which the process of obtaining information, its transfer and further storage is also involved. The thermostat, for example, is an automatic device that captures information about the room temperature and switches the heating on or off, depending on the temperature set by the operator. Information process is an action performed with information, including the moment of its receipt. It will include several stages.

Basic Information Processes

There are such types of processes of working with information:

  • storage;
  • broadcast;
  • transformation and processing of information.

Thanks to the senses, people can perceiveinformation, comprehend it and, using your experience, available knowledge, intuition, make certain decisions that later become embodied in real actions that transform the surrounding world.

Since man is a social being,to communicate with his own kind he must exchange with them the necessary information. In everyday life, under "information" is understood various information, awareness of the situation of daily affairs.

Информационный процесс протекает как в human society, and in nature. For example, its effect is the fall of autumn leaves and the temporary fall asleep of all vegetation during cold weather. In spring everything comes to life again. This is all a consequence of information processes.

From the genetic information depends on the structure and development of organisms, as it is inherited, and its carrier is the structure of DNA molecules.

In the science of management - cybernetics,the information process describes the process of managing complex dynamic systems (living organisms or technical devices). The processes of controlling the vital activity of any organism or the normal functioning of a technical device maintain its parameters in the required range of values.

The management process includes certain stages: the receipt and storage of information, as well as its transformation and transfer.

Любой процесс управления основан на interaction between the controller and managed objects, which are connected by communication channels - direct and reverse. The forward link transmits the control signals, and the feedback channel returns information about the controlled object.

To analyze the work of a person as a managerobject can be an example of its treatment of a computer as a managed object. Using the senses, a person receives information about the functioning of a computer via feedback channels using output devices (monitor, loudspeakers). This information allows a person to make decisions about control actions transmitted to the computer via direct communication channels using information input devices (mouse or keyboard).

The information approach to all processes is realized by the complex science of information processes - informatics.