Information is one of the basic, keyconcepts in a science like computer science. However, no strictly defined definition for today exists. We can say, for example, as follows: information is a collection of information about an event / process / phenomenon / environment.
In the course of studying the data we need, we subject them to some kind of transformation, so that we can then use it in the form we need for decision-making, education, behavior development, and management.
Properties of information
We do not need the information at all, but at a certain time, in order to orient ourselves in connection with the data obtained and to make certain decisions about how to proceed.
To assess the quality of information, such properties as usefulness, completeness, reliability, relevance, accessibility, ergonomics, security, clarity, objectivity are used.
Information and information processes
Any of our activities can be called the process of collecting and processing data. We perceive them through the senses, and stores and processes its brain in the process of the functioning of the central nervous system.
The information process is presented asa set of actions performed in a certain sequence, which we perform on the available data. The goal here is to get a result so that you can use it later. Below we highlight what are the main information processes.
Information and information processes: search
The search is a process of extractingstored information. At the same time, we can use such methods as observation, reading, live communication, viewing, listening, query to search engines, databases, etc.
Information and information processes: collection and storage
The collection of information itself is not an end in itself. In order that the obtained data could be used by us, and repeatedly, such a process as storage is necessary.
Information storage is the way towhich information is distributed in time and space. It depends on the media, the role of which can play a book in the library, a snapshot in the album, a picture in the gallery. Computer devices are not only designed to store data compactly, but also to get quick access to it.
Information and information processes: transfer
In this process are involved:
1. Sources of information are precisely those elements of the world around us, the information about which we receive and undergo various transformations.
2. Information consumers are you and me. We consume and use information in our needs.
3. The communication channel is the material carrier (technical or other device) that captures all the collected data in order to bring them from the source to the consumer.
Information and information processes: processing
Before you use the information we need, they still need to be processed.
Information processing is a process that allowsget new information on the basis of already available. This transformation can be connected both with the content of the received data and with the form itself, in which the information is presented initially. In the latter case, we can talk about coding, for example, the translation of the Russian text into a foreign language.
Search in the array of necessary information (for example,phone number in the database), its ordering (for example, scheduling, list) - all these are also manifestations of the processing process. Mathematical calculations, text correction, logical conclusions (conclusions) are also examples of procedures for transforming the source data to our own needs.