For any of the users it's no secret that there ispublic objects and hidden folders of Windows 7. Strictly speaking, this applies not only to the "Seven", but also to other operating systems - XP, Vista, Windows 8, etc. As a rule, system files and packs are hidden. The reason for this approach is to protect the system from accidental interference, which can lead to very sad consequences. However, sometimes the user has a desire to make this or that folder hidden.

Possible options
There is one main reason thatcauses the user to figure out how to hide the folder on the desktop. The fact is that this is one of the best ways to hide personal information from prying eyes. This is especially true when several people have access to one computer. It should be noted that neither the size of the file or folder, nor the content does not affect the ability to hide information, and the procedure itself is quite simple.
How to hide a folder on your desktop
So, in order to carry out this simple action,you should select the desired folder and click on it with the right mouse button. This will bring up a context menu in which you select the "Properties" item. As a result, a window will open where the user should pay attention to the "General" tab. At its very bottom there is a field called "Attributes". That's what it will take to make hidden folders in Windows 7. Everything is simple: next to the "Hidden" field, select the checkbox and click "Ok". Everything, now in a usual mode to see this folder it will be impossible, though it actually did not move anywhere and continues to remain in its place.

How to see a hidden folder
Before you hide the folder on your desktop,You need to know what you need to do to be able to view its contents. Otherwise it will be easier to delete it. So that the hidden files and folders are displayed and you can view, edit and perform other actions with them, you need to go to the "Start" - "Control Panel" menu. In the window that opens, you need to find the "Folder Options" item. Having opened it, it is necessary to activate the tab "View" and, using the slider, to fall to the very bottom. The user needs to pay attention to the second bottom of the item, which is appropriately called "Hidden files and folders". It should be opened and set the mark opposite the field "Show hidden ...". After performing this procedure, all previously invisible folders will be available for viewing. When displayed, their icons will have a paler color than documents that have normal settings. Knowing how to hide a folder on your desktop, you should familiarize yourself with the reverse procedure. If you want to make a folder or file visible again, you need to repeat the algorithm described in the previous paragraph, but you just need to remove the selection in front of the "Hidden" field.

Alternative methods
In order to be able to performcertain actions with hidden elements often use the capabilities of special software. Almost all file managers implement this function, which is much more convenient to use than changing the display settings of a folder or file each time.