With the release of the new operating system "Windows 8"Microsoft Corp. has changed the familiar interface, now called Metro UI. In this regard, some users sometimes have problems. For example, not everyone knows how to turn off "Windows 8", since the standard "Start" button is missing.

Of course, you can use third-partyprograms and set the classic menu. However, the developers have made sure that you can turn off your computer or laptop on the G8, using one of several methods.
Disconnecting through the Charms Bar and the Windows button
In Windows 8, the Charms panel appeared, openwhich can be by moving the cursor to the left corner of the screen. To disable the device, you must select "Options", and then click "Shutdown". In the context menu that opens, specify the option "Shutdown".

How to turn off "Windus 8" without opening the Charms Bar?To do this, use the Windows button, which is located on the place of the "Start" button. Click on the PCM and select "Shutdown" in the drop-down menu.
By the way, you can call the Charms panel usingthe combination of the buttons Win and C. If you want to quickly go to the "Options", then instead of C hold down the button I. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in turning off the computer from "Windows 8". Next, you will learn how to shut down the operating system using some combination of buttons.
Quick shutdown with the Alt + F4 and Ctrl + Del + Alt keys
If in earlier versions of the OS (for example,"Seven" and Win XP) to turn off the device you used the Alt and F4 buttons, and now this method is applicable. Simultaneously pressing the specified keys will bring up a menu where you need to select "Shutdown". Now click OK or Enter.
Another option - a combination of keys Del, Alt,Ctrl. Clicking on them, get the lock screen. Note that in the lower right corner there is a "Shutdown" button (red). You have to click on it to shut down the computer.
So, now you know how to turn off "Windows8 "using simple combinations of buttons.Ownly, experienced users knew about these methods.But if you are a beginner user, then this information will be useful to you.
How to turn off the laptop ("Windows 8")?
In order to shut down the computer, you canpress the "Power on / off" button. However, on a laptop, as a rule, this leads to activation of the "Sleep" or "Hibernation" modes. To correct the situation, you need to perform a few simple steps.
Click on the PCM button on the Windows button (left cornerscreen). A menu appears in which you select the "Power management" option. Now go to the link that allows you to configure the power scheme, and then change the advanced settings.
A window opens where you will need to find the "Power buttons and cover". Click the plus sign to expand the menu.

Here, change the action when closing the cover andPress the on / off button. Note that you need to specify both for the "From the network" option and the "From battery" option. When you are finished, click "Apply" and reboot the device.
Create a custom label
So, you have the OS "Windus 8" installed.How to turn off your computer and laptop, you already know. But, perhaps, you will be interested in how to greatly facilitate this process by creating a special shortcut with which you can turn off the device.
On the "Desktop" click on the PCM and in the drop-downmenu, select Create Shortcut. The next step is to specify the location of the object. Here, you need to insert the command shutdown / s / t 0. If you want the device to turn off after a certain time, for example, 5 seconds, change the command value to 0 to 5. Click "Next".
Now, think of a suitable name for the label. Also you can change its appearance. To do this, open the "Properties" and click "Change icon". Select any you like and press Enter.
The last step is to place the shortcut in a convenient place on the "Desktop" or "Taskbar".
Shutdown 8
Another option that allows you to quickly turn offthe device with the OS "Windus 8", - a free application Shutdown 8. Find it on the Internet and download to your computer. Make a shortcut on the "Desktop" by clicking on which, get a menu where you can select the option "Shutdown".
By the way, in this program there is one more interesting function - the timer. Now you can set the time at which your device will automatically shut down.
How to turn off the defender "Windus 8"?
If you need to deactivate Windows Defender,open the PU and go to the "System and Security" section, and then in the "Administration". A window will open where you need to find the item "Defender's service" Winds "."

Click on it twice LMC and set "Startup Type - Disabled". Now click "Stop" and "Apply".
As a result, "Windows Defender" will be deactivated. Remember that it is recommended to perform these actions only when an antivirus is installed on your computer.
Now you have an idea of howturn off "Windows 8". You have the opportunity to use any of the methods mentioned above. As you can see, nothing difficult to do is not necessary. Of course, you can install a third-party application and return the familiar interface with the "Start" button, but, in principle, even an inexperienced user can cope without it.