It often happens that you don’t know whatimage on the desktop to choose. It seems to be boring and that. I want something new and unusual. In addition, pulls try to look like animation on the desktop.
It's so beautiful and interesting.Even you can relax, looking at this picture. Yes, and emphasizes individuality, because few people have animation on the desktop. But is it worth it to install? Perhaps it is better to leave a normal image? Let's figure it out.

First of all, quite often animations are verystrongly inhibit the system. Programs and documents start to open for a long time, especially if you open them from the desktop, the animation itself starts to “hang”, and even the computer may refuse to respond to any actions. Believe me, this is the most unpleasant sight.
You will have to restart the computer more than once, to be upset because of problems. How many nerves to spend ...
Правда, у такой заставки есть и свои positive sides. For example, if you choose the right and install animation pictures on your desktop, then you can significantly ease your work and quickly rest during small breaks.
So, if you do not like the usual photo and yousure that your computer will work the same way as always, then you should think about what kind of animation on your desktop will look best.
First of all, try not to slow down the image, that is, the transition was smooth, and there were not too many pictures.

Next is to decide which image suits you best. If you are sad and you want to relax and dream, then you can install an animation with rain on your desktop.
If you are very tired working on a computer,it may be worth choosing a fragment from the cartoon. According to psychologists, if you look at a funny plot, you can very quickly relax and unwind, and in addition, such pictures are uplifting.
Для людей деловых, постоянно работающих на computer, you can choose a screensaver, which will be embedded calendar and clock. Thus, it will be much more convenient to navigate in time. True, this is a special "live wallpaper", and not animation.
In general, you can choose any animation, it all depends on your preferences.
Where to get the animation?Best of all, of course, do it yourself with the help of special programs. This is not as difficult as it seems, especially if you have any skills working with graphic editors. So you can make exactly the screensaver that you really like.

If you are too lazy to understand all this, then youYou can always download the animation from any site that offers wallpapers. True, you should carefully check the site for the presence of a virus, otherwise you can easily and just infect your computer with a trojan.
As you can see, the animation on the desktop can bothworsen the work, and, conversely, improve it. The main thing is to choose the right picture and take into account your individual features and some parameters of your computer.