/ / How to make an invisible folder on the desktop: instructions for beginners

How to make an invisible folder on the desktop: instructions for beginners

In this article I will tell you how to do itan invisible folder on your desktop. This feature allows you to keep your data confidential. But do not count on full invisibility, because an experienced user can easily and quickly find your hidden folder. But more on that later. In this article, I will describe several methods for performing this operation. So, next you will see how to make an invisible folder on your desktop.

how to make an invisible folder on your desktop


As mentioned earlier, complete secrecy does notwill, and this method is suitable except in situations where you use your computer in conjunction with another member of your family. However, there is a possibility that any user will be able to access your hidden folder without hindrance.

The first way

Create an invisible folder on your desktopusing the standard means of the system. To do this, you need to right-click on the shortcut and select the property section. Here in the "General" fold, there will be an attribute menu. You must check the option "Hidden" - so your folder will be invisible. But there is one "No". If you go to the "Control Panel" - "Appearance and ..." - "Folder Options" and put a checkmark next to "Show hidden ...", then all confidentiality is violated. And, accordingly, your label becomes visible to all users.

 invisible folder on your desktop

The second way

As you can see, the first method for hiding folders is not ideal, but you can use an alternative option, in which an invisible folder on the desktop is created with the help of cunning.

  • Create a new folder (or useexisting) on ​​the desktop. When you select a name, press the ALT + 255 key combination - this allows you to use an empty character. The result is a shortcut without a name.
  • Now we need to get rid of the badge. To do this, right-click the shortcut and select the "Properties" section. Find the "Settings" tab here. In the "Folder icons" menu, select "Change icon".
  • Before you open a window with a selection of different icons. If you swipe a little to the right, you will see an empty icon. As a rule, there are 3 of them. Select one of them and click "Apply".
  • Updating the desktop, you will see that now the folder is completely invisible.

additional information

Previously, you learned how to make an invisible folder on thedesktop using two methods, but they do not allow you to provide the highest level of protection for your files. So, for example, when you select on the working area, you will see a hidden folder created using the second method. Plus, any normal file manager has the ability to view hidden files. Such programs can also see your unnamed folders.

create an invisible folder on your desktop

If you want to hide your files from inexperiencedrelatives, the two methods outlined above will help you do this. But if you want to create a serious protection for folders, you will have to use completely different means, where you will need data encryption and password assignment. I hope the information in this article will help you, how to make an invisible folder on your desktop.