/ / How to configure a VPN connection on Windows 7 between two computers?

How to configure a VPN connection on Windows 7 between two computers?

With the advent of VPN (virtual privatenetworks) connecting to the Internet or establishing a connection between several computers by the type of their association into one local network has become quite ordinary. Almost all the latest versions of Windows have built-in tools for setting such parameters, and the question of how to configure a VPN connection on Windows 7 is solved quite simply, even if the user does not have special knowledge. Next, we will consider several options for actions that will help and make the connection, and establish a connection between several terminals that are located among themselves at a great distance.

Advantages of VPN connection

Before taking practical action,Let's take a moment to look at the benefits that users can get. And, if we talk about the advantages of such a connection, we should immediately say that the use of these technologies in solving the problem of how to configure a VPN connection on Windows 7 in a local network of two offices distant from each other over considerable distances enables installation identical programs (for example, the accounting package "1C"), as well as sharing common documents for joint processing.

how to configure a vpn connection on windows 7

In addition, VPN-connection by its natureis protected initially, which gives serious trump cards in the organization of the enterprise security system, when the leakage of confidential information when sharing or forwarding is excluded entirely.

How to configure a VPN connection on Windows 7: a common configuration algorithm

Now let's move on to practical actions and first consider the simplest option, which is to create a connection with an existing Internet connection.

How to configure a vpn connection on windows 7 between two computers

How do I configure a VPN connection on Windows 7?The first step is to enter the "Network and Sharing Center" section through the usual "Control Panel" and use the Create New Connection item.

how to configure a vpn connection on windows 7 beeline

Next, from several suggested options, you must select the connection to the workplace, and then specify the use of the existing connection.

how to configure a vpn connection on windows 7 in a local network of two offices

The next step is to enter the address of the server or itsdomain name (this information can be obtained from the system administrator or from the provider), and then the check box from the instant connection point is unchecked. For security reasons, it is recommended that you uncheck the box and allow other users to use this connection.

Next, enter the username and password that wereassigned to the user for authorization, after which the connection button is pressed. After that, the data for verification will be sent to the server. When the authentication is completed and a notice of readiness for use appears, the “Connect Now” button is pressed.

how to set up a vpn connection on windows 7 through a router

Note:if the connection was not established for some reason, you must use the properties of the selected connection, in the new window, click the button of the same name and remove the check mark from the option to enable the Windows login domain.

how to configure vpn connection on windows 7 error 806

Then you need to set the parameters shown in the image above, save the changed parameters and make the connection again.

How to set up a Beeline VPN connection on Windows 7

Now a few words about similar actions that need to be made when creating a connection through the Beeline operator.

how to configure a vpn connection on windows 7

At the first stage, you need to download and install a special Beeline Internet Connection program on your computer, and after the installation is complete, complete system restart.

Next, on the “Desktop” a connection shortcut is used, the necessary data is entered in the authorization fields and the connection button is pressed.

If a local network is used, it is mandatory to remove the check mark from the IPv6 protocol usage line in the network adapter settings.

How to configure a vpn connection on windows 7 between two computers

При создании именно VPN-подключения все действия are similar to what was described for the general algorithm, only tp.internet.beeline.ru is registered for the domain name, and Beeline is entered for the location name.

Login is written in the login window (usuallythis is the number of the personal account) and the password provided by the operator is entered (the domain column remains empty). For convenience, you can click save data. Next is the connection.

how to configure a vpn connection on windows 7 beeline

If an error occurs, the connection properties onthe security tab, you need to set the type of VPN connection L2TP IPSec VPN and set the input without the need for encryption (you can also remove the inclusion of the entrance to the Windows domain and enable CHAP).

Setting up connectivity between multiple computers: creating a virtual network

Now let's see how to set up a VPN connection on Windows 7 between two computers. First you need to create a network on the terminal, which will act as a server.

how to configure a vpn connection on windows 7 in a local network of two offices

In the network connections section is useda file menu where you need to enable the creation of a new incoming connection, users are selected from the list who will be allowed to use this connection (you can create a new user in advance), logins and passwords are created for them, then the Internet connection is selected in permissions, the protocols used remain unchanged . When all actions are completed, the “Finish” button is pressed.

Setting up a connection from a child computer

Now on the child terminal is madecreating a new connection, as was shown earlier, only the IP address of the terminal on which the network was created must be entered in the server address field (you can recognize it on the same machine using the ipconfig command).

After that, the connection is made, and after checking the data, two computers will be on the same network.

Connection Error 806

Of course, there may be failures during connection. On the question of how to set up a VPN connection on Windows 7, error 806 is just a special case. Such problems are eliminated by similar methods.

First you need to use the propertiesIPv4 protocol and make sure that IP and DNS addresses are set to automatically retrieve them. If this situation fails, the IP may have to be manually entered.

In the case of a connection between two computersThe situation when it is necessary to solve the problem of how to set up a VPN connection on Windows 7 through a router is excluded. In the router settings, you will need to perform port forwarding (address: port) for a dedicated IP on the server terminal. In some cases, it may be necessary to specify the range of addresses from which the connection is allowed.

If the cause is in the installed firewall, in the exceptions you need to set addresses ending in 245 and 254, and also include port 1723 in the list and allow the use of the GRE protocol.

Short summary

That's all for installing the correct ones.options for creating connections based on VPN technologies. Port forwarding was not considered in detail here, since the methods used for different models of routers may differ quite strongly. As for the rest, all the main steps boil down to what was shown at the point of using the general communication setup algorithm, not including installing specialized software and creating a network on server terminals.