/ / What gives the Windows 7 update to the maximum?

What does the update of Windows 7 to the maximum?

Almost all laptops and desktops thatsold in retail networks selling computer equipment, get buyers with Windows Home Basic "on board." Unfortunately, this happens mainly in our country, since in the same Europe and America a considerable part of the PCs supplied to consumers comes with older versions of the Windows OS family.

update windows 7 to maximum

It is connected with equating Russia todeveloping countries (as we sell Windows Starter), and with low purchasing activity of our population. But this does not mean that you do not need to upgrade Windows 7 to the maximum, since such a step greatly expands the capabilities of your system.

What are the advantages of the maximumedition of this operating system? Let's look at this question. To begin with, the OS comes with a full suite of applications from Microsoft. This includes a DVD studio and a powerful multimedia center, which is important for home users. Also, updating Windows 7 to the maximum in x64 bit width makes it possible to use an unlimited amount of RAM, since the base system imposes serious restrictions on this parameter.

Кроме того, пользователю предоставляются все visual effects that make working at the computer more pleasant. Unfortunately, full-fledged animated wallpapers, as was the case with Vista, are not provided here, but you can install them yourself if you wish.

upgrade windows 7 to professional

As in the professional version, brought to mindlocal home network functions. In particular, it became much easier to set up a network between several of your home devices, and now it does not require as much effort as it was in earlier versions of the OS. However, if you need normal networking, you can upgrade Windows 7 to professional, which is much cheaper. But the maximum is good not only for its network capabilities.

In particular, it includes professionalprogram to encrypt hard drives, which allows you to fully protect your personal information from unauthorized access. In addition, it has more opportunities for collaboration with documents. Of course, this circumstance is not very important for most home users, but the fact of having so many functions is quite pleasant. By the way, in this regard, I would like to talk about cases where updating the Windows 7 to the maximum is completely unnecessary.

For example, if you are a simple user whofrom the computer you only need the opportunity to travel on social networks, games and watching movies. Do you think it will be useful for you at least 1/10 of the possibilities that the maximum edition has been crammed with, so do you need this latest windows 7 update?

latest update windows 7

Если не брать в расчет эффекты «Аэро», то для your goals are more than enough even Windows 7 Basic, which has everything a home user needs. If we talk about the Media Center, DVD-studios and other things, even those users who have OS editions on their computers use them extremely rarely. In short, in this area, updating Windows 7 to the maximum does not bear any advantages.