/ / Connecting a router to a laptop or computer. Instructions for installing and configuring the router

Connecting the router to a laptop or computer. Instructions for installing and configuring the router

It's no secret that many ownerscomputers are accustomed to living in their own quiet quiet world, having once adjusted the efficiency of the computing system. It would seem that more is needed if the video card regularly draws a picture on the monitor screen, the system unit is quietly noisy with fans, and the processor processes the next blocks of binary data. However, the intensive development of computer technology, like a whirlpool, sooner or later, even such users are being dragged out, forcing, for example, to understand how a computer is connected to a router. We will talk about this “brick” of the modern network today.

router connection

This is the scary word "router"

The term "router" came to us from Englishlanguage, which can be translated as “transmission control device”. Its second name, which has long been known among system administrators, is a router. So, if to create a simple network of several computers, it was possible to get along with the “tricky” wiring of the cable route, which even beginners could do, then specialists in this field faced the need to organize complex hierarchical schemes that are almost impossible to accomplish without special nodes that control the transmission data. These are the routers. Now even ordinary owners of desktops and laptops who decide to connect to the Internet are faced with the need to install and configure the router. In addition, in some cases it is impossible to do without such devices. For example, if you want to organize the distribution of the Internet via wireless networks or bypass the restriction of the access provider with a strictly specified MAC address. Fortunately, connecting the router does not require any special knowledge and can be done in a few minutes.

connection tp link router


Externally, the router is a smallThe device is in a plastic case, on the front panel of which there are LEDs indicating the status and, sometimes, a row of buttons. There are a number of Ethernet connectors on the back wall, one of which is designated as “WAN”, and the others - 1, 2, 3 ... We have already indicated that a router can “lift” the network. Connecting and setting it differs depending on the location and supply of communication lines. The router can work as an intermediate node when its task is reduced to receiving and further broadcasting Wi-Fi (like a mobile communications repeater), or as a key access point, converting wired signals. In the first case, no communication wires are connected to it; in the second, at least one is needed from the provider that connects to the WAN connector. Also on the back of the case are the power button, reset to the original settings and activate the function QSS. All modern routers can work on the standard Wi-Fi, so they come with an external antenna.

connect computer to router


Now the shop windows of computersliterally crammed with an abundance of models of routers. Here are the advanced Asus RT-AC68U for 10 thousand rubles, and the D-Link DSR-1000 for 15 thousand rubles, and the “popular” TP-Link at an affordable price. Every buyer will find exactly what he needs. In addition, if necessary, consultants can explain how the router is connected. The choice of model depends on the tasks that are planned to be solved using a router. For bypassing the MAC restriction and distributing Wi-Fi to several machines, a budget solution, characterized by low cost, the presence of all basic functions and a standard transceiver, is quite suitable.

How to connect the router?

connection d link router

Suppose a user has a taskconnect the router in such a way as to be able to use the Internet on all devices capable of working via Wi-Fi. To do this, an Ethernet cable (twisted pair) from the ISP must be connected to the WAN connector on the back of the router body. Next, from a free outlet (1, 2, 3 ...), you should stretch the cord (purchased in any store, of the required length and already with connectors) to the computer Ethernet connector and connect them. It does not matter if the tp-link router or a model of some other company is connected - in this case, the algorithm of actions is the same. It remains to apply power to the device and proceed to the settings.

Choosing a method of communication

If the router is used for the organizationone-time access to the Internet 2-3 stationary computers, it is recommended to abandon the wireless method of connection in favor of the traditional. This will allow to work at high speeds, not to worry about interference and not to be in the range of the transmitter (disputes about the dangers of Wi-Fi are still going on). Wireless network is advisable to use only when it is impossible to lay cables.

Transmitter Off and Parameter Correction

router connection and setup

For example, the connection of the ZyXEL router will beproceed as follows: the main cable is plugged into the WAN connector; No. 1 is connected to the computer, which will be considered the main; From No. 2, 3 ... a twisted pair cable is pulled to other system units, connecting to the Ethernet connectors. After that, on the main machine, you need to start the browser and enter the path in the address bar (the exact combination is indicated on the sticker on the bottom of the device or in the instructions). When asked about the password, enter “admin”. By the way, connecting the TP-Link router implies entering the same combination to access the settings. If everything is done correctly, the user will see the menu tree of the internal program. The transmitter can be turned off in the “Wireless Mode” section by simply unchecking the “Enable Wireless Broadcasting of the Router” box. Going through the menu, you can configure the settings of other modes: in particular, enable password access when working via Wi-Fi; specify the demilitarized zone; restrict permissions for other computers, etc. Some providers require making adjustments and prescribing "keys", in this case one cannot do without additional settings. The menu features can be found on the manufacturer's website of the router. When the system is fully configured, we recommend storing the parameters in a file, using the option of backing up the settings in the service section. This will allow for a couple of mouse clicks to restore all the changes.

A simple solution to the problem

zyxel router connection

There are many reasons why“Raise” the network on the router. Their solution is beyond the scope of this article. However, if the router’s connection to the Internet suddenly became unavailable, although it recently worked stably, you can try to return all settings to the factory settings and perform the settings again. To do this, on the enabled router, you need to press the reset button recessed into the case with a match or ampoule from the handle and hold it in this state for 5-10 seconds. When the indicators start to wink, the button can be released. Sometimes this simple action helps to restore the work of the router.


All modern router manufacturersThey try to make the installation and configuration process as simple as possible. Even the passwords for entering the internal control program from different developers are the same. The same can be said about the address. For example, if the connection of the D-Link router and the configuration require input of, then the owners of TP-Link solutions are dialing the same way. Thanks to this, the user, having learned to work with any router, will be able to configure other models.