/ / Configuring a router Netgear: step by step instructions. How to connect and configure the router Netgear?

Setting up a router Netgear: step by step instructions. How to connect and configure the router Netgear?

Not the last place in the network equipment marketin the budget class is occupied by the products of the company Netgear. Many potential buyers unknowingly equate all products under this logo with cheap Chinese toys. In fact, this is a serious American brand, which has manufacturing facilities in China and produces very high quality goods. Setting up a Netgear router, like connecting a device to a computer, does not take a lot of time from the user. This article will not only help the owners of the router to get acquainted with the functionality of the device more closely, but also provide step-by-step instructions on the proper commissioning of the router.

configure router Netgear

Multilingual instruction

The fact that the router Netgear belongs to the respectedbrands in the network equipment market, says the presence of Russified instructions. If you look closely, the buyer will find that the company sells its products in 25 countries. This is a serious indicator. For comparison: the TP-Link brand is represented only in 19 countries officially.

Before connecting the device to the computerIt is recommended to open the user manual and familiarize yourself with the basic connectors of the router: power adapter, WAN interface, LAN ports and a reset button. Before the first launch of the device, the professionals recommend making a general reset of the router to the factory settings - connect the power cable, wait for the light indication and hold the reset button with the needle for 10 seconds.

Connect to computer

Before connecting the router Netgear topersonal computer or laptop, it is recommended to pull out the Internet provider cable from the PC network connector and insert it into the blue port of the router (labeled WAN). After that, you need to remove the patchcord cable from the box and connect a personal computer and a router (yellow port) to it. Only after the above actions can you connect the network device to the power supply. In the future, it is not recommended to insert the WAN cable and remove it from the router with the power connected.

Netgear router

On a personal computer, regardless ofthe installed operating system, the user needs to start any browser (Internet Explorer or Google Chrome) and in the address bar enter the IP of the router: When requesting authorization, enter the login and password - “admin”. After that, the user will go to the router's control panel. If, when entering the IP address, the browser shows a message that it cannot connect, the user needs to manually configure the network adapter of the PC.

Tweaking computer

Многие провайдеры предоставляют услуги Интернет с using security protocols or based on private virtual networks. In the latter case, it is better to entrust the configuration of the router to the administrators, since it will be very difficult for the uninitiated VPN user to set up their own.

Go to the management menu of the network adapter bythe steps “Control Panel” - “Network Control Center” - “Change adapter settings”, the user will find a list of devices providing a remote connection to the computer, including the Netgear router. Often, the desired interface is highlighted with a yellow exclamation mark (or choose a device with the words "Ethernet"). You need to click the right mouse button and select "Properties". In the list of components find the protocol "IP TCPIPv4" and click "Properties". In the menu that appears, the user will see the fields filled with numbers, they need to be carefully rewritten on a sheet of paper, then set the button in front of the “Automatic” selection in both fields, save and exit. Setting up a Netgear router after the operation will be available.

Work with an assistant

After the first launch of the control panel, the routerwill offer their assistance to the user in setting up. IT professionals recommend that you agree with the work of an assistant only in cases where no fine-tuning of the computer's network adapter is required. In such cases, the intellectual program will tell the user how to configure WiFi. The router Netgear, in fact, will create everything and launch it, asking the user for only the access point name and password.

WiFi router Netgear

The rest of the network device owners needrefuse the services of an assistant. But the router will not leave a newcomer in trouble and will continue to conduct a survey in which he will take an interest in connecting to the network, connection type and settings (which were saved on a sheet of paper while fine-tuning the network adapter of the PC).

Various types of connections

In most cases, the provider in the preparation ofcontract with the client, specifies in the specification detailed information for connecting the computer to the Internet. Accordingly, before you configure the Netgear router, you need to find this specification to the contract. In any case, manual entry of parameters requires knowledge of addresses, logins or passwords.

how to set up a netgear router

The easiest way to connect is a PPPoE connection.The user only needs to know the login and password for authorization (the provider is obliged to indicate them in the contract). The situation is more complicated with the L2TP connection - besides authorization, you need to know the address of the remote computer to which the router will connect. The most difficult is to create a VPN connection. In essence, the user will need to create two connections and configure them differently.

Wireless technology

Когда речь заходит о WiFi, роутер Netgear ceases to be a complex network equipment and turns into a regular user toy. This is probably the only item on the control panel that can be configured in a few seconds. Select the network name (SSID) that will be detected by others when searching for wireless networks. Then - the region. It is needed to synchronize the time, but professionals recommend choosing the “USA”. The fact is that overseas laws are more demanding on signal strength, respectively, the router will provide better WiFi services. This applies to England, Australia, Canada and several developed countries of the world.

 how to set up wifi router netgear

Netgear router supports all types of hardwareprotection, but the encryption options are better to choose the type of WPA2 with the AES key, they are harder to pick an attacker. Yes, and these settings are supported by most mobile devices in the domestic market. Do not forget about the password - you can enter anything (numbers, letters, special characters). But you shouldn’t forget about convenience, because sometimes it can be very difficult to enter a complex password from the phone keypad.

Additional settings

Many users may be confused by the fact thatSetting up a Netgear router is limited to just two points. But on the control panel menu is represented by a very large list of settings. First of all, professionals recommend that you go to “Administration” and set your own password to launch the network device control panel. Naturally, the authorization should not coincide with the settings of the Wi-Fi network.

how to connect a router Netgear

Do not interfere with the owner and keeping currentsettings of the router, because in case of failures and changing the address of the device installation, it is easier to specify the path to the configuration file, rather than register everything anew manually. Backup is also carried out in the "Administration" menu. If the owner of a wireless device often has visitors, you can create a guest network with your own authorization. This is done in the Guest Network menu, again, the password must be different from the base.


As practice shows, setting up the routerNetgear, like the equipment of the American manufacturer itself, is quite simple and does not require special knowledge in the field of IT technologies. All the minor functionality that is present in the network device is described in the instruction manual, and any owner can configure it himself. The main thing is not to forget about the possibilities of saving the configuration file, because some items in the control panel may block access to the Internet, and the buyer will need a lot of time to return the router to its original state.