/ / How to find ip router: basics

How to find ip router: basics

Today many subscribers of wired and wirelessHigh-speed Internet connections, which include the types of LAN, ADSL, 3G, and Wi-FI connections, use a router as the distribution device. It's very convenient, you must agree! Just put this device, set it up in a few clicks (and often it is done by the ISP specialists) - and give out one Internet connection for as long as you want and any devices, especially if you use a wireless router.

In the latter case, wherever you are in theWithin the apartment, if there is a good Wi-Fi signal, there is always Internet access. It happens that such a connection option is offered by service companies and representatives of providers when the client reports that he wants to have access to the world wide web from several computers, which happens very often. At the same time, many customers, before problems arise, have a very remote idea of ​​what "this box, from which the Internet is," is.

But sometimes there comes a time when you needconfigure the router. Most often the client prefers not to understand independently, but to call a specialist competent in such matters. But sometimes there is no such possibility and it is necessary to understand the basics of network technologies independently.

The purpose of this article is to help you decide howlearn the IP router. Also give some, albeit superficial, idea of ​​NAT (network address translation). And how to find out the external IP router, it's not even a question - just go to the site 2ip.ru and see the dynamic address allocated to your device by the provider. But we proceed to the main topic of the article.

It is possible that the settings on the router went down,"throw a port," change the routing settings or the provider's servers, connect some function or install a fresh firmware on the device. There are a lot of ways to get access to this device. In these cases, you certainly have a question, how to find out the IP router.

Most often, by default this is the start addressrange of IP addresses allocated for local networks (,, But sometimes it happens that the router's IP address was given an unusual one. In such cases it is necessary to do the following. Press the "Start" button, choose "Run" from the whole variety, type cmd in the window that opens. The console opens. Type ipconfig / all. The system gives you all the available information about network interfaces. Here's how to find out the IP router.

There is also an alternative team.It allows you to answer the question how to find the IP router, displaying your routing table - route PRINT. If you use a typical Russian provider to access the Internet, then the VPN or PPPOE connection is established on the router, and the distribution of the Internet takes place on the local network.

Computers of all shapes and sizes, includinglaptops and tablets, the distribution of IP addresses of a certain range of the local subnet. A router in this system, of course, the gateway. It is his IP address that will be displayed on command ipconfig / all. Then we dial the IP address of the router in the command line, and we see the login window for logging in to the router.

If the default settings have been set, thenlogin (account name) and password can be found in the documentation for the device. It can also happen that for some reason you do not know the password to the device. Attention! Before resetting the settings, you should make sure that all data is available for authorization on the provider's server (VPN or PPPOE gateway, DNS servers, login and password). Then the easiest way is to reset the settings. To do this, disconnect the router from the network and hold down the Reset button for a while (usually located on the underside of the device).

The lights on the router's ports light up at the same time andgoes out. After this operation, wait for the router to download the firmware with the new settings (the light will turn on) and connect it to the network, update the network interface of the computer where you want to access the administrative panel of the device in the console with the ipconfig / renew command.

Таким образом сетевой интерфейс получит новый IP address and routing table. After that, we go to the router through the browser line and see the authorization window. We drive in it the data provided by default for your model, and we proceed to setup. So, you figured out how to find out the IP router.