/ / How to remove grass in Rust: instructions and comments

How to remove grass in Rust: instructions and comments

Online games are developing by leaps and bounds.To date, the popularity of the genre began to gain Survival. You can survive on a desert island or hide from a monster. However, it all comes down to the only task - survival. The game Rust, which we are considering, belongs to it.

how to remove the grass in rust


So what is Rust?The action takes place on the island. You and other players start with a completely naked character, who has only a stone, a torch and bandages. Your task is to survive. What's the catch? Not only will the local fauna, zombies and bandits hunt you, other players will also try to take away your hard-earned property. And not just take away, they can kill, and rob, and even seize the house you built. With all this, you should get your own food, cook it and develop the defense of the home. The game is completely missing privatization. Everything you create can be assigned to other players. And most importantly - wasted time.

How is this related to the following question:"How to remove the grass in Rust?". The absence of grass will make the game less interesting, but it will make your life much easier. You will increase your own review, and no one will hide from you. However, there is another side to the coin. Always remember that other players can also turn off the grass, and hide-and-seek in it will become not only useless, but also dangerous.

disabling grass in rust


What may be the need to turn off the grass in Rust? There are several reasons. One of them was already indicated above. However, you should know something else:

  1. Frequent cases of problems with the display of grass. It starts to flicker, disappear and appear. It is distracting, annoying and can lead to irreparable consequences.
  2. Performance improvement.This game is built on a more or less modern engine, so some computers may lose in performance due to the abundance of grass. Then you will have nothing left but to remove the grass in Rust. After that, the performance increases by 20 percent.

These are perhaps the main reasons why players are looking for how to turn off the grass in Rust.


Well, we finally got to the question of interest. There are several ways to remove grass in Rust. It all depends on what version of the game you have installed.

  1. Initially, it was possible to disable the grass in the game withusing the console. To do this, go to the game session, you need to press F1. In the console that opens, type the command grass.on false. Accordingly, in order to return the display of vegetation, you must enter grass.on true. If the team fails, you need to try again.
  2. In the new version of Rust disconnection is madein a slightly different way. To do this, you will have to bring up the graphics settings menu with the F2 key. We find there the value Grass Quality. It is responsible for the quality of the grass (literally). Set the value to 0. Thus, most of the vegetation will disappear. Of course, not all, but this is enough to remove the lags and improve the performance of the toy.

how to turn off the grass in rust

That's all you can tell about how to removegrass in Rust. We hope that you will like this game, and our advice will help in the difficult task of survival among other embittered players. Remember that you can only trust yourself.