How to remove underlining in Word?If you asked such a question, it means that something is wrong with your text. The point is that this way the program points out to you some imperfections of the material written in the document. What are the disadvantages of trying to find out and what to do if in fact the text is all right?
How to remove red underlines in Word?
This is the simplest question.How to remove underscores in Word red, know everyone who works with the program is not the first day. The red color in this text editor is the most common marker. He points out that there is some error in the underlined text. More precisely, not some, but one of these:
- An underlined word is missing in the dictionary,
- the word is written with an error,
- also red Word highlights repetition.
If you do not understand what the error is in this part of the text, right click on it. The built-in spell checker will help you figure it out.
It is worth noting that also errors can be underlined in green. This indicates problems with the use of punctuation marks, inconsistencies, stylistic blunders, and so on.
There are two options for dealing with red or green underlining:
- To remove this underscore, it's enough to fix the errors.
- You can also click on "Skip" to make the scan program no longer "see" this site.

How to remove blue underscores in Word?
How to remove underlining in Word blue,know not all. This color can not be found in all versions of the text editor. If the text in front of you is a blue wavy line, there are problems with formatting.
As with other errors, this can be removed in one of two ways:
- Correct it. If you do not understand what the error is, click on the problem area with the right mouse button.
- Like other errors, this one can also be skipped by clicking on the corresponding button.

How to remove underscience of links in Word?
How to remove underlining in Word, if it is a question ofline under the links? Of course, there are rare situations when it may be needed. But if we have started to disassemble the issue of unnecessary underscores, it is worth mentioning this type.
The matter is that any hyperlink Word automatically underlines from below with a straight line. You can remove it in one of the ways:
- Select the text under which you want to remove the underscore, then press Ctrl + U.
- You can also go a longer way: select the text, find in the top field of the program in the tab “Home” the letter “H”, underlined. After clicking on it, the line under the selected text will disappear.