/ / What and how to wash the grass with jeans?

What and how to wash the grass with jeans?

Traces of grass on jeans - enougha common phenomenon, especially for lovers of various types of country recreation. Of course, no one is immune from this type of pollution, respectively, the question of how to wash grass with jeans is quite relevant.

how to wash grass with jeans
Having received a characteristic stain on your favorite thing, do notdespair, because, despite the fact that herbal traces to withdraw from the tissue is not easy, there are some ways that will help to cope with this task. Of course, it is worth considering that fresh stains from grass on jeans are much easier to remove than those that are old, therefore, it is necessary to start solving the problem immediately. However, if it is not possible immediately to deal with the removal of contamination, do not try to rub the stain with hot water, as this will lead to a worsening of the situation.

A great tool that will tell you how towash the grass with jeans, is wine vinegar. It is believed that this remedy fights remarkably even with the most complex contaminants. It is necessary to moisten the obtained stain from the grass in a 10% solution of the liquid, leaving the substance on the surface of the tissue for an hour.

stains from grass on jeans
Next, you should wash the thing in the washing machine using a powder or a detergent. This will get rid of the halo that has formed around it.

Another effective stain remover thatwill tell you how to wash grass with jeans, is the usual baking soda. First you need to make a gruel from water and soda, then immediately apply it to the affected tissue area. After rubbing the place with a usual brush for clothes (you can use an unnecessary toothbrush), leave your jeans for an hour, and then wash them in ordinary soapy water. If you want, you can wash in an automatic washing machine.

If the stain from the grass is too old, try to remove it with hydrogen peroxide. However, it should be taken into account that it is possible to use this remedy with great care.

how to remove grass from jeans
If you are interested in how to remove grass fromjeans with hydrogen peroxide, take precautions first. Apply liquid to the stain, leave it for a few minutes, and then wash your jeans carefully.

Really a universal tool thatwill help remove the stain from the grass, is toothpaste. Using it to remove stains, you can easily answer the question of how to wash grass with jeans quickly and safely. Simply apply paste on the contaminated area and allow to dry. After it is necessary to clean off the remnants of the paste with a conventional brush for clothing, along with the paste, the stale dirt will disappear. Then you should wash your favorite thing in the usual way - in warm water with your hands or with the help of an automatic washing machine. A similar action to remove the stain from the green grass can be done with alcohol, for which it is necessary as it is necessary to soak the stain in undiluted substance and leave for a while.