/ The film "The old gun". Actors Philippe Noiret and Romy Schneider in the movie "Old Gun"

The film "The Old Gun." Actors Philip Noiret and Romy Schneider in the movie "The Old Gun"

The actor of the film “The Old Rifle” in 1976 wasAwarded the prize "Cesar" for the best male role. Philip Noire embodied on the screen the image of a soft, intelligent man, from whom the war made a cruel avenger. In world cinema, several similar characters were later created. But none of his colleagues managed to beat the French actor.

In June 1944, the SS was destroyedOradour-sur-Glane village, located in the west of France. Killed 642 people. Among them were children and women. These events formed the basis of the film "Old Gun".

Actor Philippe Noiret

One of the greatest people in French cinema has played dozens of roles. According to critics, the best of them he performed in the paintings "Life and nothing more", "Old Gun".

actors old shotgun

Актер родился в 1930 году в состоятельной семье.Childhood Noir passed in Toulouse. From an early age engaged in music, he loved to sing. Tried to enter the conservatory. When he failed the exams, he began to attend lectures on dramatic art.

Philippe Noire for many years played on the theater stage.He made his debut in the cinema in the late 40s. But the first roles were episodic. Before filming the movie "Old Gun" the actor played in such films as "Zazi in the subway", "Cyrano and D" Artanyan "," Generals' Night "," Topaz ".

Julien Dandieu

Robert Enrico - director of the film "Old Gun". The actor, which was discussed above, was played by Julien Dandieu - a surgeon at the Montauban Hospital.

Жюльен Дандье лечит бойцов сопротивления.He is not interested in politics. In any case, he says this to an SS officer, who has unceremoniously rushed into the hospital. Dandieu is an idealist, a harmless fat man who is used to honestly doing his job. And he is madly in love with Clara and Florence.


Once before the war, Julien had a wife whobore him a daughter. Then she met another person, fell in love with him and left the family. But Dandieu never grumbled on fate. He is glad that Florence's daughter is left with him, and he is happy when he meets an extraordinarily beautiful woman named Klara.

movie actors old gun

The hero of the film "Old Gun" - kind and naivefreak And it was for this that Clara fell in love with him. She becomes his wife and replaces Florence's mother. In their family, of course, quarrels occur. But small. Julien has a rare ability to love without limit, and in his big heart there is no place for jealousy and suspicion.

Death of Clara and Florence

About pre-war life Dandieu recalls the summer of 1944year after a terrible event. In May, he sent his wife and daughter to his family estate, and a few weeks later, arriving there, he saw that no one was left there. Before his eyes the ruined church, the bodies of the dead. The daughter of the doctor is killed. His wife died a painful death: the SS men burned her alive from a flamethrower. And then the hero of the film finds an old gun and engages with the Nazis alone. From now on, he lives only revenge and memories of his wife and daughter.

"Old Gun" - actors and roles

The main female role in the film performedfamous German actress Romy Schneider. In the seventies, she was at the peak of her fame. The role of the Frenchwoman killed by German soldiers is not the brightest of her film image. In the filmography of Schneider, despite her short life, many main characters.

old gun actors and roles

The actress has a brilliant career, which is notbrought happiness. In 1981, she lost her son, after which she began to abuse alcohol and medicines. The actress passed away seven years after the premiere of the “Old Gun”. The cause of death has not been established. Films with Romy Schneider: "In the bright sun", "Thief", "Murder of Trotsky", "The main thing is to love", "Light of a woman", "Ghost of love".

Дочь главного героя в 8-летнем возрасте сыграла Caroline Bonm. At 9, Catherine Delaporte. Jean Buise played the role of Julien's colleague. The actor is known for the films "Nikita", "Underground", "Last Stand". In the movie "Old Gun" also played Robert Hoffman, Joachim Hansen, Madeleine Ozere.